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kktak 15.06.2015 00:59

Не могу разобраться
Всем привет, есть скрипт:
<script type="text/javascript">
var image_paths = "/media/img\u002Dlighting/";
var images = [{"orig_h": "400", "fname": "../index.htm"/*tpa=*/, "text": "", "video": "", "orig_w": "400", "id": "34", "h": "400", "tp": "1", "w": "400", "y": "75", "x": "57", "z": "37"}, {"orig_h": "40", "fname": "", "text": "CUBE", "video": "", "orig_w": "990", "id": "8", "h": "89", "tp": "5", "w": "132", "y": "81", "x": "585", "z": "13"}, {"orig_h": "100", "fname": "", "text": "Cube is a multicolored lamp that can be used for decoration of interiors, parties or as a nightlight. Made of acrylic plastic with LEDs inside. \nDimensions: 33x33x33cm.\n", "video": "", "orig_w": "990", "id": "17", "h": "196", "tp": "4", "w": "343", "y": "121", "x": "591", "z": "76"}, {"orig_h": "465", "fname": "../index.htm"/*tpa=*/, "text": "", "video": "", "orig_w": "800", "id": "18", "h": "465", "tp": "1", "w": "800", "y": "543", "x": "113", "z": "23"}, {"orig_h": "200", "fname": "", "text": "Due to its size it can be built into an IKEA Expedit shelving unit.", "video": "", "orig_w": "495", "id": "19", "h": "40", "tp": "4", "w": "748", "y": "1031", "x": "154", "z": "24"}, {"orig_h": "465", "fname": "../index.htm"/*tpa=*/, "text": "", "video": "", "orig_w": "800", "id": "20", "h": "465", "tp": "1", "w": "800", "y": "1089", "x": "114", "z": "25"}, {"orig_h": "200", "fname": "", "text": "Has a 44-key IR remote controller with 6 color changing modes and 20 static colors + any color of the visible spectrum from a choice of \"Red +/-\", \"Green +/-\" and \"Blue +/-\" which can be saved to 6 different DIY keys.", "video": "", "orig_w": "495", "id": "21", "h": "103", "tp": "4", "w": "671", "y": "1564", "x": "179", "z": "26"}, {"orig_h": "371", "fname": "../index.htm"/*tpa=*/, "text": "", "video": "", "orig_w": "800", "id": "22", "h": "371", "tp": "1", "w": "800", "y": "1690", "x": "116", "z": "27"}, {"orig_h": "40", "fname": "", "text": "square", "video": "", "orig_w": "495", "id": "27", "h": "52", "tp": "5", "w": "258", "y": "2263", "x": "589", "z": "84"}];
createImagesGrid($(".grid-content"), 1, image_paths, images);


не могу разобраться как он выводит картинки на сайт, в какую папку их надо класть?

Sigizmund2012 15.06.2015 08:44

Пожалуйста, отформатируйте свой код!

Для этого его можно заключить в специальные теги: js/css/html и т.п., например:
... ваш код...

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