Appendix A: Contributors
Members of the DOM Working Group and Interest Group contributing
to this specification were:
- Lauren Wood, SoftQuad, Inc.,
- Arnaud Le Hors, W3C, W3C
staff contact
- Andrew Watson, Object Management Group
- Bill Smith, Sun
- Chris Lovett, Microsoft
- Chris Wilson, Microsoft
- David Brownell, Sun
- David Singer, IBM
- Don Park, invited
- Eric Vasilik, Microsoft
- Gavin Nicol, INSO
- Ian Jacobs, W3C
- James Clark, invited
- Jared Sorensen, Novell
- Jonathan Robie, Texcel
- Mike Champion, ArborText
- Paul Grosso, ArborText
- Peter Sharpe, SoftQuad, Inc.
- Phil Karlton, Netscape
- Ray Whitmer, iMall
- Rich Rollman, Microsoft
- Rick Gessner, Netscape
- Robert Sutor, IBM
- Scott Isaacs, Microsoft
- Sharon Adler, INSO
- Steve Byrne, JavaSoft
- Tim Bray, invited
- Tom Pixley, Netscape
- Vidur Apparao, Netscape