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Старый 13.07.2011, 13:02
Аватар для ksa
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Joshka, по "моим" сведениям это собственно все события, которые есть у ифрейма

The IFRAME element is a block element and requires a closing tag.

This element is available in HTML and script as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0.


onactivate Fires when the <IFRAME> is set as the activeElement.
onbeforedeactivate Fires immediately before the activeElement is changed from the current <IFRAME> to another object in the parent document.
onblur Fires when the <IFRAME> loses the input focus.
oncontrolselect Fires when the user is about to make a control selection of an <IFRAME>.
ondeactivate Fires when the activeElement is changed from the current <IFRAME> to another object in the parent document.
onfocus Fires when the <IFRAME> receives the focus.
onload Fires immediately after the browser loads the <IFRAME>.
onreadystatechange Fires when the state of <IFRAME> has changed.
onresizeend Fires when the user finishes changing the dimensions of the <IFRAME>.
onresizestart Fires when the user begins to change the dimensions of the <IFRAME>.
Т.е. onkeyupа в списке нет...
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