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Старый 23.03.2009, 10:43
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Регистрация: 23.03.2009
Сообщений: 6

вот весь код скрипта

<title>Подсказка к линку в виде меню, которое само закроется</title>
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body { font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px; }
h1 { font-size:18px }
a:link { color:#33c }
a:visited { color:#339 }
/* Style spec's for tooltip */
div#tipDiv {
position:absolute; visibility:hidden; left:0; top:0; z-index:10000;
background-color:#dee7f7; border:1px solid #336;
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div#tipDiv a:link { color:#33b }
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<script type="text/javascript">

function doTooltip(e, msg , id) {
if ( typeof Tooltip == "undefined" || !Tooltip.ready ) return;
var tip = document.getElementById? document.getElementById(Tooltip.tipID): null;
if ( tip && tip.onmouseout == null ) {
tip.onmouseout = Tooltip.tipOutCheck;
tip.onmouseover = Tooltip.clearTimer;
Tooltip.show(e, msg);

function hideTip() {
if ( typeof Tooltip == "undefined" || !Tooltip.ready ) return;
Tooltip.timerId = setTimeout("Tooltip.hide()", 300);

// tooltip content variables
var msgTips='<a href="view_fraza3.php?id='+id+'>фразеолог изм</a>" ';


<p><a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event, msgTips)" onmouseout="hideTip()">Линк с подсказкой-меню</a>

<script >

var dw_event = {

add: function(obj, etype, fp, cap) {
cap = cap || false;
if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(etype, fp, cap);
else if (obj.attachEvent) obj.attachEvent("on" + etype, fp);

remove: function(obj, etype, fp, cap) {
cap = cap || false;
if (obj.removeEventListener) obj.removeEventListener(etype, fp, cap);
else if (obj.detachEvent) obj.detachEvent("on" + etype, fp);

DOMit: function(e) {
e = e? e: window.event;
e.tgt = e.srcElement? e.srcElement: e.target;

if (!e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault = function () { return false; }
if (!e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation = function () { if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble = true; }

return e;

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<script >

var Tooltip = {
followMouse: true,
offX: 8,
offY: 12,
tipID: "tipDiv",
showDelay: 100,
hideDelay: 200,

ready:false, timer:null, tip:null,

init: function() {
if ( document.createElement && document.body && typeof document.body.appendChild != "undefined" ) {
if ( !document.getElementById(this.tipID) ) {
var el = document.createElement("DIV");
el.id = this.tipID; document.body.appendChild(el);
this.ready = true;

show: function(e, msg) {
if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = 0; }
this.tip = document.getElementById( this.tipID );
if (this.followMouse) // set up mousemove
dw_event.add( document, "mousemove", this.trackMouse, true );
this.writeTip(""); // for mac ie
this.timer = setTimeout("Tooltip.toggleVis('" + this.tipID + "', 'visible')", this.showDelay);

writeTip: function(msg) {
if ( this.tip && typeof this.tip.innerHTML != "undefined" ) this.tip.innerHTML = msg;

positionTip: function(e) {
if ( this.tip && this.tip.style ) {
// put e.pageX/Y first! (for Safari)
var x = e.pageX? e.pageX: e.clientX + viewport.scrollX;
var y = e.pageY? e.pageY: e.clientY + viewport.scrollY;

if ( x + this.tip.offsetWidth + this.offX > viewport.width + viewport.scrollX ) {
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this.tip.style.left = x + "px"; this.tip.style.top = y + "px";

hide: function() {
if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = 0; }
this.timer = setTimeout("Tooltip.toggleVis('" + this.tipID + "', 'hidden')", this.hideDelay);
if (this.followMouse) // release mousemove
dw_event.remove( document, "mousemove", this.trackMouse, true );
this.tip = null;

toggleVis: function(id, vis) { // to check for el, prevent (rare) errors
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) el.style.visibility = vis;

trackMouse: function(e) {
e = dw_event.DOMit(e);


<script type="text/javascript">

// adjust horizontal and vertical offsets here
// (distance from mouseover event which activates tooltip)
Tooltip.offX = 4;
Tooltip.offY = 4;
Tooltip.followMouse = false; // must be turned off for hover-tip

Tooltip.tipOutCheck = function(e) {
e = dw_event.DOMit(e);
// is element moused into contained by tooltip?
var toEl = e.relatedTarget? e.relatedTarget: e.toElement;
if ( this != toEl && !contained(toEl, this) ) Tooltip.hide();

// returns true of oNode is contained by oCont (container)
function contained(oNode, oCont) {
if (!oNode) return; // in case alt-tab away while hovering (prevent error)
while ( oNode = oNode.parentNode ) if ( oNode == oCont ) return true;
return false;

Tooltip.timerId = 0;
Tooltip.clearTimer = function() {
if (Tooltip.timerId) { clearTimeout(Tooltip.timerId); Tooltip.timerId = 0; }

Tooltip.unHookHover = function () {
var tip = document.getElementById? document.getElementById(Tooltip.tipID): null;
if (tip) {
tip.onmouseover = null;
tip.onmouseout = null;
tip = null;

dw_event.add(window, "unload", Tooltip.unHookHover, true);
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