Добрый день !
Прошу умных людей помочь мне в данном вопросе!
Переработал галерею minishowcase, добавил, что надо, убрал что не надо! Остался один штрих. Сделал кнопку, по нажатию которой дергается пхп скрипт и записывает в базу/сессию имя текущей фотографии. НО ЕСТЬ ОДНА ЗАГВОЗКА. Никак не могу разобраться как передать переменную.
Вот полный скрипт
Slimbox v1.22 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone
by Christophe Beyls ([url]http://www.digitalia.be[/url]) - MIT-style license.
Inspired by the original Lightbox v2 by Lokesh Dhakar.
var Lightbox = {
init: function(options) {
this.options = Object.extend({
resizeDuration: 200, // Duration of height and width resizing (ms)
initialWidth: 250, // Initial width of the box (px)
initialHeight: 250, // Initial height of the box (px)
animateCaption: false // Enable/Disable caption animation
}, options || {});
this.anchors = [];
if(el.rel && el.href && el.rel.test('^lightbox', 'i')) {
el.onclick = this.click.pass(el, this);
if (el.style.display == 'none')
el.style.display = 'inline';
}, this);
this.eventKeyDown = this.keyboardListener.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.eventPosition = this.position.bind(this);
this.overlay = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbOverlay').injectInside(document.body);
this.center = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCenter').setStyles({width: this.options.initialWidth+'px', height: this.options.initialHeight+'px', marginLeft: '-'+(this.options.initialWidth/2)+'px', display: 'none'}).injectInside(document.body);
this.image = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbImage').injectInside(this.center);
this.prevLink = new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbPrevLink', href: '#'}).setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(this.image);
this.nextLink = this.prevLink.clone().setProperty('id', 'lbNextLink').injectInside(this.image);
this.prevLink.onclick = this.previous.bind(this);
this.nextLink.onclick = this.next.bind(this);
this.bottom = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbBottom').setStyle('display', 'none').injectInside(document.body);
new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbCloseLink', href: '#'}).injectInside(this.bottom).onclick = this.overlay.onclick = this.close.bind(this);
new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbAddphoto', href: '#'}).injectInside(this.bottom).onclick = this.overlay.onclick = function() {
type: "POST",
url: "333.php",
data: "username="+sss,
success: function(html){
this.caption = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbCaption').injectInside(this.bottom);
this.number = new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'lbNumber').injectInside(this.bottom);
new Element('div').setStyle('clear', 'both').injectInside(this.bottom);
var nextEffect = this.nextEffect.bind(this);
this.fx = {
overlay: this.overlay.effect('opacity', { duration: 500 }).hide(),
resize: this.center.effects({ duration: this.options.resizeDuration, onComplete: nextEffect }),
image: this.image.effect('opacity', { duration: 500, onComplete: nextEffect }),
bottom: this.bottom.effects({ duration: 400, onComplete: nextEffect })
this.preloadPrev = new Image();
this.preloadNext = new Image();
click: function(link) {
if(link.rel.length == 8)
return this.show(link.href, link.title);
var j, imageNum, images = [];
if(el.rel == link.rel) {
for(j = 0; j < images.length; j++)
if(images[j][0] == el.href) break;
if(j == images.length) {
images.push([el.href, el.title]);
if(el.href == link.href) imageNum = j;
}, this);
return this.open(images, imageNum);
show: function(url, title) {
return this.open([[url, title]], 0);
open: function(images, imageNum) {
this.images = images;
this.top = Window.getScrollTop() + (Window.getHeight() / 15);
this.center.setStyles({top: this.top+'px', display: ''});
return this.changeImage(imageNum);
position: function() {
this.overlay.setStyles({top: Window.getScrollTop()+'px', height: Window.getHeight()+'px'});
setup: function(open) {
var elements = $A(document.getElementsByTagName('object'));
elements.extend(document.getElementsByTagName(window.ActiveXObject ? 'select' : 'embed'));
elements.each(function(el){ el.style.visibility = open ? 'hidden' : ''; });
var fn = open ? 'addEvent' : 'removeEvent';
window[fn]('scroll', this.eventPosition)[fn]('resize', this.eventPosition);
document[fn]('keydown', this.eventKeyDown);
this.step = 0;
keyboardListener: function(event) {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 27: case 88: case 67: this.close(); break;
case 37: case 80: this.previous(); break;
case 39: case 78: this.next();
previous: function() {
return this.changeImage(this.activeImage-1);
next: function() {
return this.changeImage(this.activeImage+1);
changeImage: function(imageNum) {
if(this.step || (imageNum < 0) || (imageNum >= this.images.length)) return false;
this.step = 1;
this.activeImage = imageNum;
this.prevLink.style.display = this.nextLink.style.display = 'none';
this.bottom.setStyles({opacity: '0', height: '0px', display: 'none'});
this.center.className = 'lbLoading';
this.preload = new Image();
this.preload.onload = this.nextEffect.bind(this);
this.preload.src = this.images[imageNum][0];
return false;
nextEffect: function() {
switch(this.step++) {
case 1:
this.center.className = '';
this.image.setStyles({backgroundImage: 'url('+this.images[this.activeImage][0]+')', width: this.preload.width+'px'});
this.image.style.height = this.prevLink.style.height = this.nextLink.style.height = this.preload.height+'px';
this.caption.setHTML(this.images[this.activeImage][1] || '');
this.number.setHTML((this.images.length == 1) ? '' : 'Фото '+(this.activeImage+1)+' из '+this.images.length);
if(this.activeImage != 0) this.preloadPrev.src = this.images[this.activeImage - 1][0];
if(this.activeImage != (this.images.length - 1)) this.preloadNext.src = this.images[this.activeImage + 1][0];
if(this.center.clientHeight != this.image.offsetHeight) {
this.fx.resize.custom({height: [this.center.clientHeight, this.image.offsetHeight]});
case 2:
if(this.center.clientWidth != this.image.offsetWidth) {
this.fx.resize.custom({width: [this.center.clientWidth, this.image.offsetWidth], marginLeft: [-this.center.clientWidth/2, -this.image.offsetWidth/2]});
case 3:
this.bottom.setStyles({top: (this.top + this.center.clientHeight)+'px', width: this.image.style.width, marginLeft: this.center.style.marginLeft, display: ''});
this.fx.image.custom(0, 1);
case 4:
if(this.options.animateCaption) {
this.fx.bottom.custom({opacity: [0, 1], height: [0, this.bottom.scrollHeight]});
this.bottom.setStyles({opacity: '1', height: this.bottom.scrollHeight+'px'});
case 5:
if(this.activeImage != 0) this.prevLink.style.display = '';
if(this.activeImage != (this.images.length - 1)) this.nextLink.style.display = '';
this.step = 0;
close: function() {
if(this.step < 0) return;
this.step = -1;
if(this.preload) {
this.preload.onload = Class.empty;
this.preload = null;
for(var f in this.fx) this.fx[f].clearTimer();
this.center.style.display = this.bottom.style.display = 'none';
this.fx.overlay.chain(this.setup.pass(false, this)).goTo(0);
return false;
Вот эта часть дергает пхп
Реализована при помощи jQuery
new Element('a').setProperties({id: 'lbAddphoto', href: '#'}).injectInside(this.bottom).onclick = this.overlay.onclick = function() {
type: "POST",
url: "333.php",
data: "username="+"ИМЯ ФОТОГРАФИИ",
success: function(html){
Вот тут отображается имя фото
this.caption.setHTML(this.images[this.activeImage][1] || '');
Как мне передать эту переменную в мою функцию для пхп???
Очень прошу вашей помощи !