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Старый 03.08.2014, 19:36
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Регистрация: 29.07.2014
Сообщений: 42

Прошу помочь оптимизировать код
Написал черновой вариант помощника принятия решений. Но, поскольку с джаваскриптом Я ещё не сильно дружу, код получился немного грубый. Прошу помочь любыми подсказками, объективными критиками, советами и т.п. Код получился на 220 строк, простите, если слишком большой сюда вставляю.

function clear()
    Cheat way to clear document body
  document.body.innerHTML = '';

helper = new Questions();

function Questions()
    Main object, which manages questions and processes answers
  this.question_count = 5;

  this.process_answer = function (answer, num) {
    Stores answers and calculates approximate decision
    Be careful with nums, first question - first process, etc.
    if (num == 1)
      this.yes = 1;
      this.no = 1;
      if (answer == 'low')
        this.koef = 2
      else if (answer == 'medium')
        this.koef = 3
      else this.koef = 4;
    if (num == 2)
      if (answer == 'yes')
        this.yes *= this.koef
      else this.no *= this.koef;
    if (num == 3)
      if (answer == 'yes')
        this.no *= this.koef
      else this.yes *= this.koef;
    if (num == 4)
      if (answer == 'yes')
        this.yes *= this.koef
      else this.no *= this.koef;
    if (num == 5)
      if (answer == 'yes')
        this.yes *= this.koef
      else this.no *= this.koef;
    if (num == this.question_count)

  this.show_result = function () {
      Shows result in understandable form
    var yes = this.yes / (this.yes + this.no) * 100;
    var no = this.no / (this.yes + this.no) * 100;
    result = 'Result:<br><br>YES: ' + yes + '%, NO: ' + no + '%';
    var result_msg = document.createElement("p");
    result_msg.setAttribute('class', 'result_msg');
    result_msg.setAttribute('id', 'result_msg');
    result_msg.innerHTML = result;
    // very bad cheater stop
    throw new Error('just stop');

  this.next = function (num=0) {
    Invokes by click on "next" button.
    Gets answer, moves to next question.
    num += 1;
    if (num > 1)
      answer = get_checked_value("answer");
      if (answer == '')
        this.show_warning('You must choose one option!');
        num -= 1;
        return NaN;
      } else
      this.process_answer(answer, num-1);
    if (num == 1)
      question_label = 'Importance of decision';
      answers = ['low', 'medium', 'high'];
      this.show_question(question_label, answers);
    if (num == 2)
      question_label = 'What decision you prefer at start?';
      answers = ['yes', 'no'];
      this.show_question(question_label, answers);
    if (num == 3)
      question_label = 'Has the answer "YES" any negative consequences?';
      answers = ['yes', 'no'];
      this.show_question(question_label, answers);
    if (num == 4)
      question_label = 'Has the answer "NO" any negative consequences?';
      answers = ['yes', 'no'];
      this.show_question(question_label, answers);
    if (num == 5)
      question_label = 'What decision do you prefer now?';
      answers = ['yes', 'no'];
      this.show_question(question_label, answers);
    // create "next" button
    var next = document.createElement("input");
    next.onclick = function() { helper.next(num) }
  } // end of next function

  this.show_warning = function(msg) {
      Shows warning message. Warning message can be only one at the same time
    if (!document.getElementById('warning'))
      var warning = document.createElement("p");
      warning.setAttribute('class', 'warning');
      warning.setAttribute('id', 'warning');
      warning.innerHTML = msg;

  this.show_question = function(question_label, answers) {
    Shows question with variants of answers on HTML page
    var question = document.createElement("p");
    question.setAttribute('class', 'question');
    question.setAttribute('id', 'question');
    question.innerHTML = question_label;
    legend = 'Choose on of:';
    count = answers.length;
    args = {legend:legend, count:count};
    for (i=1; i<=count; i++)
      args['rb'+i] = {id:'rb'+i, value:answers[i-1], label:answers[i-1]}
  } // end of show_question function

function create_radiogroup(args)
   Creates radiogroup, i.e. fieldset, which contains radiobuttons

     args: an object, must have next keys:
             legend - label for parent fieldset;
             count - amount of radio buttons;
             rbN - dict with id and value, N = 1..count;

     {legend:'test', count:2, rb1:{id:'rb1', value:true, label:'yes'},
                              rb2:{id:'rb2', value=false, label:'no'}}
  var fieldset = document.createElement("fieldset");
  var legend = document.createElement("legend");
  legend.innerHTML = args['legend'];
  for (i=1; i<=args['count']; i++)
    var option = document.createElement("input");
    option.setAttribute('type', 'radio');
    option.setAttribute('name', 'answer');
    option.setAttribute('id', args['rb'+i]['id']);
    option.setAttribute('value', args['rb'+i]['value']);
    var label = document.createElement("label");
    label.innerHTML = args['rb'+i]['label'];
    var linebreak = document.createElement("br");

function get_checked_value(radiogroup_name)
    Gets the value of selected radiobutton from group
  var selected = '';
  var group = document.getElementsByName(radiogroup_name);
  for (i=0; i<group.length; i++)
    if (group[i].checked == true)
      selected = group[i].value;
  return selected;
} // end of function get_checked_value
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