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win.on('resize', function(e){
и в строке 4-5 задайте ту величину что Вам надо , типа
// Monitor window resizing or changing device orientation
var width = 100,
height = 100,
gallery_width, gallery_height,
// How many photos can we fit on one line?
max_w_photos = Math.ceil(width/photo_default_size);
// Difference holds how much we should shrink each of the photos
difference = (max_w_photos * photo_default_size - width) / max_w_photos;
// Set the global width variable of the pictures.
picture_width = Math.ceil(photo_default_size - difference);
// Set the gallery width
gallery_width = max_w_photos * picture_width;
// Let's do the same with the height:
max_h_photos = Math.ceil(height/photo_default_size);
difference = (max_h_photos * photo_default_size - height) / max_h_photos;
picture_height = Math.ceil(photo_default_size - difference);
gallery_height = max_h_photos * picture_height;
// How many photos to show per page?
per_page = max_w_photos*max_h_photos;
// Resize the gallery holder