Прошу помощи по учебной задаче.
Поскольку только изучаю JS, к сожалению, знаний не хватает для самостоятельного решения.
Проблема: неясно, что нужно дать функции chooseRandomCategory() (STEP 2) в качестве параметра, чтобы сайт генерировал HTML-страницу со случайно выбранной категорией по нажатию на плитку "Specials". Пожалуйста, помогите разобраться.
UPD. Решено таким образом:
// TODO: STEP 2: Here, call chooseRandomCategory, passing it retrieved 'categories'
// Pay attention to what type of data that function returns vs what the chosenCategoryShortName
// variable's name implies it expects.
var chosenCategoryShortName = chooseRandomCategory(categories);
// TODO: STEP 3: Substitute {{randomCategoryShortName}} in the home html snippet with the
// chosen category from STEP 2. Use existing insertProperty function for that purpose.
// Look through this code for an example of how to do use the insertProperty function.
// WARNING! You are inserting something that will have to result in a valid Javascript
// syntax because the substitution of {{randomCategoryShortName}} becomes an argument
// being passed into the $dc.loadMenuItems function. Think about what that argument needs
// to look like. For example, a valid call would look something like this:
// $dc.loadMenuItems('L')
// Hint: you need to surround the chosen category short name with something before inserting
// it into the home html snippet.
var homeHtmlToInsertIntoMainPage = insertProperty(homeHtml, "randomCategoryShortName", "'" + chosenCategoryShortName.short_name + "'");
// TODO: STEP 2: Here, call chooseRandomCategory, passing it retrieved 'categories'
// Pay attention to what type of data that function returns vs what the chosenCategoryShortName
// variable's name implies it expects.
var chosenCategoryShortName = chooseRandomCategory(?????????);
Код полностью:
(function (global) {
var dc = {};
var homeHtmlUrl = "snippets/home-snippet.html";
var allCategoriesUrl =
var categoriesTitleHtml = "snippets/categories-title-snippet.html";
var categoryHtml = "snippets/category-snippet.html";
var menuItemsUrl =
var menuItemsTitleHtml = "snippets/menu-items-title.html";
var menuItemHtml = "snippets/menu-item.html";
// Convenience function for inserting innerHTML for 'select'
var insertHtml = function (selector, html) {
var targetElem = document.querySelector(selector);
targetElem.innerHTML = html;
// Return substitute of '{{propName}}'
// with propValue in given 'string'
var insertProperty = function (string, propName, propValue) {
var propToReplace = "{{" + propName + "}}";
string = string
.replace(new RegExp(propToReplace, "g"), propValue);
return string;
// On page load (before images or CSS)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
// TODO: STEP 0: Look over the code from
// *** start ***
// to
// *** finish ***
// below.
// We changed this code to retrieve all categories from the server instead of
// simply requesting home HTML snippet. We now also have another function
// called buildAndShowHomeHTML that will receive all the categories from the server
// and process them: choose random category, retrieve home HTML snippet, insert that
// random category into the home HTML snippet, and then insert that snippet into our
// main page (index.html).
// TODO: STEP 1: Substitute [...] below with the *value* of the function buildAndShowHomeHTML,
// so it can be called when server responds with the categories data.
// *** start ***
// On first load, show home view
buildAndShowHomeHTML, // ***** <---- TODO: STEP 1: Substitute [...] ******
true); // Explicitely setting the flag to get JSON from server processed into an object literal
// *** finish **
// Builds HTML for the home page based on categories array
// returned from the server.
function buildAndShowHomeHTML (categories) {
// Load home snippet page
function (homeHtml) {
// TODO: STEP 2: Here, call chooseRandomCategory, passing it retrieved 'categories'
// Pay attention to what type of data that function returns vs what the chosenCategoryShortName
// variable's name implies it expects.
var chosenCategoryShortName = chooseRandomCategory(?????????);
// TODO: STEP 3: Substitute {{randomCategoryShortName}} in the home html snippet with the
// chosen category from STEP 2. Use existing insertProperty function for that purpose.
// Look through this code for an example of how to do use the insertProperty function.
// WARNING! You are inserting something that will have to result in a valid Javascript
// syntax because the substitution of {{randomCategoryShortName}} becomes an argument
// being passed into the $dc.loadMenuItems function. Think about what that argument needs
// to look like. For example, a valid call would look something like this:
// $dc.loadMenuItems('L')
// Hint: you need to surround the chosen category short name with something before inserting
// it into the home html snippet.
var homeHtmlToInsertIntoMainPage = insertProperty(homeHtml, "randomCategoryShortName", chosenCategoryShortName);
// TODO: STEP 4: Insert the the produced HTML in STEP 3 into the main page
// Use the existing insertHtml function for that purpose. Look through this code for an example
// of how to do that.
insertHtml("#main-content", homeHtmlToInsertIntoMainPage);
false); // False here because we are getting just regular HTML from the server, so no need to process JSON.
// Given array of category objects, returns a random category object.
function chooseRandomCategory (categories) {
// Choose a random index into the array (from 0 inclusively until array length (exclusively))
var randomArrayIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * categories.length);
// return category object with that randomArrayIndex
return categories[randomArrayIndex];
// Builds HTML for the categories page based on the data
// from the server
function buildAndShowCategoriesHTML (categories) {
// Load title snippet of categories page
function (categoriesTitleHtml) {
// Retrieve single category snippet
function (categoryHtml) {
// Switch CSS class active to menu button
var categoriesViewHtml =
insertHtml("#main-content", categoriesViewHtml);
// Using categories data and snippets html
// build categories view HTML to be inserted into page
function buildCategoriesViewHtml(categories,
categoryHtml) {
var finalHtml = categoriesTitleHtml;
finalHtml += "<section class='row'>";
// Loop over categories
for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
// Insert category values
var html = categoryHtml;
var name = "" + categories[i].name;
var short_name = categories[i].short_name;
html =
insertProperty(html, "name", name);
html =
finalHtml += html;
finalHtml += "</section>";
return finalHtml;
// Builds HTML for the single category page based on the data
// from the server
function buildAndShowMenuItemsHTML (categoryMenuItems) {
// Load title snippet of menu items page
function (menuItemsTitleHtml) {
// Retrieve single menu item snippet
function (menuItemHtml) {
// Switch CSS class active to menu button
var menuItemsViewHtml =
insertHtml("#main-content", menuItemsViewHtml);
global.$dc = dc;