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Старый 15.02.2010, 01:10
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Hedgehog And Fox

quoting Archilochus: "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."

To oversimplify, hedgehogs are people who have one big idea that explains everything and applies in all situations. "History is a conflict between capital and labor." Hedgehogs are prone to wanting to work things out from first principles [like mathematicians].

Foxes are people who know lots of little things that apply in particular situations. While there may be some grand organizing principle behind them, in practice that principle isn't used. Foxes think it's perfectly reasonable to spend one's life lovingly describing new species of beetles.


Um, presumably this notion was created by a Hedgehog ...

Now in fact there are two types of people. I call them simple and sophisticated. Simple people think there are two types of people. Sophisticated people don't. Now, me, I'm sophisticated. Oh, and I lied. Okay, there are 3 types of people: simple people, sophisticates, and cretans ... amongst our people are such diverse kinds as hedgehogs, foxes, simpletons, sophists, cretans, pythons, and ... oooo aaaa!

Model Maker

Someone whose understanding of things depends on building an internal model of the world and using it to make predictions.

A Model Maker will want to know why you push in the clutch when changing gear on a stick-shift car.

Stamp Collector

Stamp Collectors collect specific examples. When asked to solve a problem, they try to find the closest match. They then use that example as a template for the correct course of action.

Mappers Vs Packers

Mapping is the kind of learning you do when, after you pick up some information, you sit and think about it in an effort to simplify the way you think about it (i.e., simplify your mental map). Mappers are the world's great thinkers: they are the inventors, the scientists, those who think and control.

Packing is like mapping in that you collect information, but differs from mapping in that you don't have any particular desire to simplify your mental map. Packers are the world's great storehouses of memory: they are the storytellers, the historians, those who memorize and repeat.

Circumstances decide whether mappers and packers mesh efficiently or grind each other away. They can work together to produce greater civilization, or they can clash and tear civilization apart.


Relationship to HedgehogAndFox

Having not read the Hedgehog and Fox book, but based on the description of it here (i.e. I'm on a limb here, folks), here I try to contrast and compare:

Hedgehogs build a single GrandConcept?, and try to use it to explain everything. i.e. "History is a conflict between capital and labor."
Foxes create facts - "Foxes think it's perfectly reasonable to spend one's life lovingly describing new species of beetles."
Mappers consume facts, trying to build a more accurate map of the world in their heads, refactoring out the bits that prove to be incorrect. Coherency of the model is very important to them.
Packers collect facts, and do lots of pattern matching in their application. They value coherency in application.

So, the ideas are similar, but not equivalent, from my initial read of it.

In contrast, Mapper == ModelMaker, Packer == StampCollector, as far as I can tell.

компиляция на основе:

ну и в качестве постскриптума:
"There are two kinds of people. Those who divide people into two kinds, and those who don't."
"there are three kinds of people - those who can count, and those who can't."
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