Прошу прощения, мой косяк, чуть ниже было описание функции. Вот весь код:
function enumeration(namesToValues) {
// This is the dummy constructor function that will be the return value.
var enumeration = function() { throw "Can't Instantiate Enumerations"; };
// Enumerated values inherit from this object.
var proto = enumeration.prototype = {
constructor: enumeration, // Identify type
toString: function() { return this.name; }, // Return name
valueOf: function() { return this.value; }, // Return value
toJSON: function() { return this.name; } // For serialization
enumeration.values = []; // An array of the enumerated value objects
// Now create the instances of this new type.
for(name in namesToValues) { // For each value
var e = Object.create(proto); // Create an object to represent it
e.name = name; // Give it a name
e.value = namesToValues[name]; // And a value
enumeration[name] = e; // Make it a property of constructor
enumeration.values.push(e); // And store in the values array
// A class method for iterating the instances of the class
enumeration.foreach = function(f,c) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) f.call(c,this.values[i]);
// Return the constructor that identifies the new type
return enumeration;
// Create a new Coin class with four values: Coin.Penny, Coin.Nickel, etc.
var Coin = enumeration({Penny: 1, Nickel:5, Dime:10, Quarter:25});
var c = Coin.Dime; // This is an instance of the new class
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