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  #7 (permalink)  
Старый 15.06.2019, 22:54
Аватар для Malleys
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Регистрация: 20.12.2009
Сообщений: 1,714


	<meta charset="utf-8">
		table {
			border-spacing: 0;
			width: 100%;
			border: 1px solid #ddd;
			cursor: default;
			table-layout: fixed;

		thead * {
			cursor: pointer;
			user-select: none;

		thead .sorted[data-order="-1"]::after {
			content: "▼"

		thead .sorted[data-order="1"]::after {
			content: "▲"

		td {
			text-align: left;
			padding: 16px;

		tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
			background-color: #f2f2f2

	<h4>Отсортированные объекты</h4>
		function Car(name, color, mileage, weight, length) {
			this.name = name;
			this.color = color;
			this.mileage = mileage;
			this.weight = weight;
			this.length = length;
		// создаем по конструктору несколько объектов
		const cars = [
			new Car("renault", "green", 110000, 1165, 4346),
			new Car("toyota", "red", 155000, 1274, 4540),
			new Car("peugeot", "blue", 90000, 1156, 4132),

		function createCarsTable(cars) {
			var row, cell;
			const properties = [{
				name: "name",
				i18n: { ru: "Имя" }
			}, {
				name: "color",
				i18n: { ru: "Цвет" }
			}, {
				name: "mileage",
				i18n: { ru: "Километраж" }
			}, {
				name: "weight",
				i18n: { ru: "Вес" }
			}, {
				name: "length",
				i18n: { ru: "Длина" }
			const table = document.createElement("table");
			const tHead = table.createTHead();
			row = tHead.insertRow();
			properties.forEach(p => {
				cell = row.insertCell();
				cell.textContent = p.i18n.ru;
				cell.tabIndex = 0;
			const tBody = table.createTBody();
			for (const car of cars) {
				row = tBody.insertRow();
				properties.forEach(p => {
					cell = row.insertCell();
					cell.textContent = car[p.name];
			function sortByColumn({ target }) {
				const order = (target.dataset.order = -(target.dataset.order || -1));
				const { cellIndex: index } = target;
				const collator = new Intl.Collator(["en", "ru"], {
					numeric: true
				const comparator = (index, order) => (a, b) => order * collator.compare(
				for(const tBody of target.closest("table").tBodies)
					tBody.append(...[...tBody.rows].sort(comparator(index, order)));

				for(const cell of target.parentNode.cells)
					cell.classList.toggle("sorted", cell === target);
			tHead.addEventListener("click", sortByColumn);
			tHead.addEventListener("keyup", sortByColumn);

			return table;


Последний раз редактировалось Malleys, 15.06.2019 в 23:14. Причина: рони очень внимательный, но его кнопка плюсования кармы не работает!
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