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  #5 (permalink)  
Старый 14.03.2020, 11:36
Аватар для voraa
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Регистрация: 03.02.2020
Сообщений: 2,760

Можно не менять на на getElementsByClassName

	"use strict";

	window.FS = window.FS || {}; 
	window.FS.GDPR = window.FS.GDPR || {};

	//setup hook for when accept is clicked
	var onAcceptCbs = []; 
	window.FS.GDPR.onAccept = function(cb){

     const handler = function(event){
		//save the acceptance cookie
		var d = new Date();
		d.setTime(d.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000));
		//figure out the domain
		var cookieDomain = window.location.hostname;
		var domainParts = cookieDomain.split('.');
		var firstPart = domainParts[0];

		if( !isNumeric(firstPart)  &&  (cookieDomain.indexOf("local")<0)  &&  (domainParts.length > 1) ){
			cookieDomain = '.' + domainParts.slice(domainParts.length -2).join('.');

		//actually save the cookie value
		document.cookie = 'gdprAccepted=true;path=/;expires=' + d.toUTCString() + ';domain='+cookieDomain;
		banner.style.display = "none";

		//trigger any callbacks that have registered for when accept is clicked

		//mark that it's been accepted
		window.FS.GDPR.accepted = true; 
		//stops the click
		return false;

	//get the banner
	var banner = document.getElementById('GdprCookieBanner');
	var acceptButton = document.getElementById('GdprCookieBannerAccept');

	acceptButton.onclick = handler;
    baner.onclick = handler;

	if(document.cookie.indexOf('gdprAccepted=true') < 0){
		//cookie not found. show banner
		banner.style.display = "block";

		//mark that we don't have acceptance
		window.FS.GDPR.accepted = false; 
		//mark that 
		window.FS.GDPR.accepted = true; 

	function isNumeric(item){
		return !isNaN(parseFloat(item)) && isFinite(item);

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