This file should be used to crop an image
Input to this file:
if(isset($_POST['image_ref']) && isset($_POST['x']) && isset($_POST['y']) && isset($_POST['x']) && isset($_POST['width']) && isset($_POST['convertTo'])){
// Use Imagemagick(, Image Alchemy(Alchemy)
$x = escapeshellarg($_POST['x']);
$y = escapeshellarg($_POST['y']);
$width = escapeshellarg($_POST['width']);
$height = escapeshellarg($_POST['height']);
$image_ref = escapeshellarg($_POST['image_ref']);
$percentSize = escapeshellarg($_POST['percentSize']);
$convertTo = escapeshellarg($_POST['convertTo']);
$x = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/si","",$x);
$y = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/si","",$y);
$width = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/si","",$width);
$height = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/si","",$height);
$percentSize = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/si","",$percentSize);
// You need to validate some of the variables above in case someone is calling this file directly from their browser and not from the crop script
// This is some examples:
$image_ref = str_replace("../","",$image_ref);
if($percentSize>200)$percentSize = 200;
if(strlen($x) && strlen($y) && $width && $height && $percentSize){
$convertParamAdd = "";
$convertParamAdd = " -resize ".$percentSize."x".$percentSize."%";
$x = $x * ($percentSize/100);
$y = $y * ($percentSize/100);
$width = $width * ($percentSize/100);
$height = $height * ($percentSize/100);
$destinationFile = "demo-images/nature_copy.jpg"; // Name of the converted file.
$convertString = IMAGE_MAGICK_PATH."convert $image_ref $convertParamAdd -crop ".$width."x".$height."+".$x."+".$y." $destinationFile";
$convertString = str_replace(";","",$convertString);
echo "alert('The image you will see in the next popup is only a demo image.\\nYou have to enable ImageMagick on your site in order to crop images\\n\\nPs! The script is tested with ImageMagick locally.');";
echo "var w ='$destinationFile','imageWin','width=630,height=330,resizable=yes');";
echo "alert('Error!');";