У Вас есть опыт работы с продуктами, связанными с eLearning или Вы работали в gamedev? Хорошо знаете английский? Тогда это предложение для Вас! Международная компания проводит конкурс на вакансию QA Engineer и, возможно, они выберут именно Вас!
- Takes part at all steps of the training development that involves JavaScript code
- Produces work estimations
- Plans, writes, maintains an executes automated test scripts for JavaScript inventory based on ID scenarios
- Develops and regularly executes load testing scripts
- Documents, summarizes, reports and follows up on defects in JavaScript code, including improvement recommendations
- Verifies resolved change requests and defect issues
- Manages QA metrics logging and reporting to project stakeholders
- Handles multiple projects simultaneously
- Managing SharePoint (including but not limited to projects' OneNotes) as a single-source location for testing information
- Sign-Offs the code before going into production
- Bachelor's degree
3+ years’ experience testing web-based applications and relational databases
- Strong test planning experience
- Experience collaborating with others in QA/Development to deliver shared results
- Strong (3+) years of interactive code developing using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Knowledge of object-oriented programming is a must
- Knowledge of low level technologies and protocols
Если Вас заинтересовала данная вакансия, пожалуйста, отправляйте ваше резюме на электронный адрес
С уважением, Алексеев Иван
Специалист по подбору персонала в кадровом агентстве Intella