Вчера решил установить на тестовый сайт скроллбар на jQuery.
Скачал необходимые файлы (плагин JScrollPane 2), подключил их
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<title>Zooty Premium HTML Template</title>
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$('#Content').jScrollPane({showArrows: true});
<div class="site">
<div class="band">
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<div class="sixteen columns">
<img src="images/logo.png" class="logo">
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<div class="band main">
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<div class="ten columns main">
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<div class="profile_img">
<img class="profile" src="images/profile.png" />
<h3>Adam Moran</h3>
<h4>Web designer</h4>
<p>Skeleton is a small collection of well-organized CSS & JS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17" laptop screen or an iPhone. It's based on a responsive grid, but also provides very basic CSS for typography, buttons, tabs, forms and media queries. Go ahead, resize this super basic page to see the grid in action.Skeleton is a small collection of well-organized CSS & JS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17" laptop screen or an iPhone. It's based on a responsive grid, but also provides very basic CSS for typography, buttons, tabs, forms and media queries. Go ahead, resize this super basic page to see the grid in action. It's based on a responsive grid, but also provides very basic CSS for typography, buttons, tabs, forms and media queries. Go ahead, resize this super basic page to see the grid in actionCSS for typography, buttons, tabs, forms and media queries. Go ahead, resize this super basic page to see the grid in action. It's based on a responsive grid, but also provides very basic CSS for typography, buttons, tabs, forms and media queries. Go ahead, resize this super basic page to see the grid in action</p>
<div class="four columns sidebar">
<li><a href="#"><h4>Profile</h4></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><h4>Resume</h4></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><h4>Folio</h4></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><h4>Contact</h4></a></li>
</div><!--end container-->
</div><!--end band-->
</div><!--end site-->
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<script src="javascripts/tabs.js"></script>
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Но в результате у меня появился только обычный скроллбар вместо jQuery.
Пробовал удалять строки вызова jQuery
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery.mousewheel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery.jscrollpane.js"></script>
Но ничего не менялось. Вывод - не работает сам скрипт!
Что я сделал не так?
Заранее благодарен!
P.S. дизайн не закончен, сделал только базовый "скелет" так сказать

Сайдбар будет не такой уродливый