14.12.2009, 17:28
Регистрация: 27.12.2008
Сообщений: 4,201
I do, but it's more in the way you use them than a difference in the software itself. Some software is used as an IDE by some, but a mere text editor by others. Some software can only be a text editor, some is difficult to use as only a text editor, and some can be easily used as both.
I would say that such stalwarts as Vi(m) and Emacs are used by some as text editors and some as IDEs. Things like eclipse, visual studio, etc only really make sense as IDEs and things like notepad can hardly be anything but a text editor.
I would say if you stay in your text editor to do other things - compile, debug, etc - then you're using it more like an IDE. Quite where I'd draw the line, I'm not sure.