Тема: Vue' thread 1
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Старый 13.08.2016, 09:15
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Announcing Vue.js 2.0

Отмечу интересные (для меня) моменты:
Vue.js is a library for building web interfaces. Together with some other tools you can also call it a “framework”, although it’s more like a set of optional tools that work together really well.
2. Теперь Vue работает с VDOM + сделаны специальные оптимизации, которые еще больше ускоряют ваше прлиожение

Streaming Server-side Rendering
With the migration to virtual-DOM, Vue 2.0 naturally supports server-side rendering with client-side hydration. One pain point of current mainstream server rendering implementations, such as React’s, is that the rendering is synchronous so it can block the server’s event loop if the app is complex. Synchronous server-side rendering may even adversely affect time-to-content on the client. Vue 2.0 provides built-in streaming server-side rendering, so that you can render your component, get a readable stream back and directly pipe it to the HTTP response. This ensures your server is responsive, and gets the rendered content to your users faster.
Unlocking More Possibilities
With the new architecture, there are even more possibilities to explore — for example, rendering to native interfaces on mobile. Currently, we are exploring a port of Vue 2.0 that uses weex as a native rendering backend, a project maintained by engineers at Alibaba Group, one of the biggest tech enterprises in China. It is also technically feasible to adapt Vue 2.0’s virtual-DOM to run inside ReactNative. We are excited to see how it goes!
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