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  #1 (permalink)  
Старый 17.11.2020, 15:20
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Регистрация: 17.11.2020
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Adapting the script on the old jQuery version to the new one?..

The classic situation is a conflict between two jQuery libraries. Version jquery-1.7.1.min for the slider and jquery-1.10.1.min for the feedback modal. I'm trying to leave version 1.10.1 - the slider doesn't work. I leave 1.7.1 - everything is in order with the slider, but the modal window does not work correctly.
Actually, two questions:
1) Is there any algorithm to adapt the script on the old version of jQuery to the newer one? And is it possible to make all the plug-in scripts work on the same library without problems?
2) I heard about a way in which you can leave two libraries of different versions working. Something about a script that replaces the $ variable with jquery. Can you describe this method in more detail?

Attached to the post a slider plugin with scripts.


Последний раз редактировалось alexsunny123, 08.02.2024 в 14:13.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Старый 17.11.2020, 15:26
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