помогите разобраться с кодом, есть симулятор графических повреждений называется BeamNG drive, в интерфейсе есть скрипт который считывает время ( разгон до 100, торможение, называется perfomance timers ), как изменить код так чтобы тот считал время прохождения заданного расстояния допустим 1000 условных единиц (Считает он как в имперской системе так и в метрической), что нужно переделать, может нужно какие то переменные добавить?
function SimplePerfTimers(){}
SimplePerfTimers.prototype.initialize = function(){
this.table = $('<table><thead><tr> <th> <b>Type</b> </th> <th> <b>Start</b> </th> <th> <b>End</b> </th> <th> <b>Time</b> </th> <th> <b>Distance</b> </th></tr></thead><tbody id="resultstable"><tr></tr></tbody></table>').appendTo(this.rootElement).addClass('table');
this.div = $('<div></div>').appendTo(this.rootElement).addClass('div');
this.wheelTimer = 0;
this.wheelTimerState = 0; // 0 - No timer / 1 - Acceleration / 3 - braking
this.timerSpeedLimit = null;
this.speedMargin = 0.5;
this.startPos = null;
this.startVelo = null;
this.stopVelo = null;
this.testing = "";
this.aborted = "";
this.prevTime = 0;
this.curTime = 0;
//If no unit was previously selected, default to km/h
if ((this.persistance.Unit != "Imperial") && (this.persistance.Unit != "Metric")) this.persistance.Unit = "Metric";
var self = this;
SimplePerfTimers.prototype.toggleUnit = function(){
//Toggle between Imperial and Metric, save the option to persistance system
this.persistance.Unit = this.persistance.Unit === 'Imperial' ? 'Metric' : 'Imperial';
HookManager.trigger('Message',{msg:'Switched SimplePerfTimers to ' + this.persistance.Unit + " speed",ttl: 2});
function appendToTable (data) {
$('#resultstable tr:first').before('<tr style="text-align:right;"> <td style="text-align:center;"> ' + data[0] + ' </td> <td> ' + data[1] + ' </td> <td> ' + data[2] + ' </td> <td> ' + data[3] + ' </td> <td> ' + data[4] + ' </td> </tr>');
SimplePerfTimers.prototype.update = function(streams){
var throttle = streams.electrics.throttle.toFixed(2);
var brake = streams.electrics.brake.toFixed(2);
var position = streams.sensors.position;
if (this.persistance.Unit == "Metric"){
var airspeed = (streams.electrics.airspeed*3.6).toFixed(2);
var speedUnits = "km/h";
this.timerSpeedLimit = 100;
else {
var airspeed = (streams.electrics.airspeed*2.23693629).toFixed(2);
var speedUnits = "MPH";
this.timerSpeedLimit = 60;
this.prevTime = this.curTime;
this.curTime = performance.now();
var dt = (this.curTime - this.prevTime)/1000;
// speed testing
if (throttle > 0.5 && airspeed > this.speedMargin && airspeed < this.speedMargin*3 && this.wheelTimerState === 0) {
this.wheelTimerState = 1;
this.wheelTimer = 0;
this.startPos = position;
this.startVelo = airspeed;
this.aborted = "";
this.testing = "";
} else if (this.wheelTimerState == 1) {
this.wheelTimer = this.wheelTimer + dt;
if (airspeed > this.timerSpeedLimit) {
// console.log("TOP SPEED")
var stopPos = position;
this.stopVelo = airspeed;
var distance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow((stopPos.x - this.startPos.x), 2) + Math.pow((stopPos.y - this.startPos.y), 2) );
this.wheelTimerState = 0;
this.testing = "";
appendToTable(["Speed", Math.floor(this.startVelo) + " " + speedUnits, Math.floor(this.stopVelo) + " " + speedUnits, this.wheelTimer.toFixed(2) + " s", distance.toFixed(2) + " m"]);
if (throttle < 0.5) {
// console.log("ABORTED");
this.aborted = "Aborted: Throttle < 0.5";
this.wheelTimerState = 0;
if (this.wheelTimerState == 1) {
this.testing = "Speed Testing... " + airspeed + " " + speedUnits + ", " + this.wheelTimer.toFixed(2) + " s";
//brake testing
if (brake > 0.5 && airspeed > 10 - this.speedMargin && this.wheelTimerState === 0) {
this.wheelTimerState = 3;
this.wheelTimer = 0;
this.startPos = position;
this.startVelo = airspeed;
this.aborted = "";
this.testing = "";
} else if (this.wheelTimerState == 3) {
this.wheelTimer = this.wheelTimer + dt;
if (airspeed < this.speedMargin) {
// console.log("STOPPED")
var stopPos = position;
this.stopVelo = airspeed;
var distance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow((stopPos.x - this.startPos.x), 2) + Math.pow((stopPos.y - this.startPos.y), 2) ).toFixed(2);
this.wheelTimerState = 0;
this.testing = "";
appendToTable(["Brake", Math.floor(this.startVelo) + " " + speedUnits, Math.floor(this.stopVelo) + " " + speedUnits, this.wheelTimer.toFixed(2) + " s", distance + " m"]);
if (brake < 0.5) {
// console.log("ABORTED");
this.aborted = "Aborted: Brake < 0.5";
this.wheelTimerState = 0;
if (this.wheelTimerState == 3) {
this.testing = "Brake Testing... " + airspeed + " " + speedUnits + ", " + this.wheelTimer.toFixed(2) + " s";
var str = this.testing;
str += "<br>" + this.aborted;
пруф на скачивание, директория самого файла BeamNG.drive\html\apps\SimplePerfTimers
Заранее благодарю за помощь