Ajax Design Patterns
Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): Michael Mahemoffv
Страниц: 655
Краткое содержание
- Introduction
- Foundational Technology Patterns
- Programming Patterns
- Functionality and Usability Patterns
- Development Patterns
- Appendixes
Полное содержание
- Introduction
- Introducing Ajax
- Ajax and the Usable Web
- The Rise of Ajax
- Ajaxifying the Web: The Story of Portals
- Webifying the Desktop: The Story of Office Applications
- Characteristics of Ajax Applications
- The Ajax Technologies
- Anatomy of a Server Call
- Ajax Trends
- Conclusions
- Pattern-Led Tutorial
- Ajax Technologies in a Blink
- Ajaxifying a Web App: One Pattern at a Time
- Projects and Katas
- Conclusions
- Ajax Design: Principles and Patterns
- Desirable Attributes of Ajax Applications
- Designing for Ajax
- Ajax Patterns Overview
- Anatomy of a Pattern
- Ajax Patterns Demos
- Conclusions
- Foundational Technology Patterns
- Ajax App
- Display Manipulation
- Display Morphing
- Page Rearrangement
- Web Remoting
- Web Service
- XMLHttpRequest Call
- IFrame Call
- HTTP Streaming
- On-Demand JavaScript
- Dynamic Behavior
- Extended Technologies
- Programming Patterns
- Web Services
- RESTful Service
- RPC Service
- Ajax Stub
- HTML Message
- Plain-Text Message
- XML Message
- JSON Message
- Browser-Server Dialogue
- Call Tracking
- Periodic Refresh
- Submission Throttling
- Explicit Submission
- Distributed Events
- Cross-Domain Proxy
- DOM Population
- XML Data Island
- Browser-Side XSLT
- Browser-Side Templating
- Code Generation and Reuse
- Server-Side Code Generation
- Cross-Browser Component
- Performance Optimization
- Browser-Side Cache
- Predictive Fetch
- Guesstimate
- Multi-Stage Download
- Fat Client
- Functionality and Usability Patterns
- Widgets
- Slider
- Progress Indicator
- Drilldown
- Data Grid
- Rich Text Editor
- Suggestion
- Live Search
- Live Command-Line
- Live Form
- Page Architecture
- Drag-And-Drop
- Sprite
- Popup
- Malleable Content
- Microlink
- Portlet
- Status Area
- Update Control
- Virtual Workspace
- Visual Effects
- One-Second Spotlight
- One-Second Mutation
- One-Second Motion
- Highlight
- Functionality
- Lazy Registration
- Direct Login
- Host-Proof Hosting
- Timeout
- Heartbeat
- Unique URLs
- Development Patterns
- Diagnosis
- Logging
- Debugging
- DOM Inspection
- Traffic Sniffing
- Testing
- Simulation Service
- Browser-Side Test
- Service Test
- System Test
- Appendixes
- Ajax Frameworks and Libraries
- JavaScript Multipurpose Frameworks
- JavaScript Remoting Frameworks
- JavaScript Effects Frameworks
- JavaScript Flash Frameworks
- JavaScript XML Frameworks
- JavaScript Specialized Frameworks
- Multilanguage Ajax Frameworks
- C++ Ajax Frameworks
- ColdFusion Ajax Frameworks
- .NET Ajax Frameworks
- Java Ajax Frameworks
- Lisp Ajax Frameworks
- Perl Ajax Frameworks
- PHP Ajax Frameworks
- Python Ajax Frameworks
- Ruby Ajax Frameworks