
Ajax on Rails

Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): S. Raymond
Страниц: 304

Краткое содержание
  • Introduction
  • Getting Our Feet Wet
  • Introducing Prototype
  • Introducing
  • RJS
  • Ajax Usability
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Prototype Reference
  • Reference
  • Review Quiz
  • Photo Gallery
  • Intranet Workgroup Collaboration
  • Colophon
Средняя: 3.7 (86 votes)

Полное содержание
  • Introduction
    • Who This Book Is For
    • What Ajax Is
    • What Rails Is
    • 'You Got Your Ajax in My Rails!'
    • Getting Up to Speed
    • Summary
  • Getting Our Feet Wet
    • The Old-Fashioned Way
    • JavaScript Libraries and Prototype
    • Bringing Rails into the Picture
    • Summary
  • Introducing Prototype
    • Setting the Stage
    • Ajax Links
    • Forms
    • Ajax Forms
    • Buttons
    • Form Observers
    • Summary
  • Introducing
    • Visual Effects
    • Drag and Drop
    • Summary
  • RJS
    • Instructions Instead of Data
    • Putting the R in RJS
    • A Real-World Example
    • Summary
  • Ajax Usability
    • Principles of Usability
    • The Context of the Web
    • Usability on the Web
    • Cross-Platform Development
    • Summary
  • Testing and Debugging
    • Debugging
    • Testing
    • Summary
  • Security
    • Healthy Skepticism: Don't Trust User Input
    • Hashing Passwords
    • Silencing Logs
    • The Same-Origin Policy
    • The Use and Abuse of HTTP Methods
    • Encryption and Secure Certificates
    • The Rails Security Mailing List
    • Summary
  • Performance
    • Development and Production Environments
    • Session Stores
    • Output Caching
    • Asset Packaging
    • Dealing with Long-Running Tasks
    • Summary
  • Prototype Reference
    • Ajax Support
    • DOM Manipulation
    • Core Extensions
  • Reference
    • Visual Effects
    • Drag and Drop
    • Controls
    • Element Extensions
    • DOM Builder
    • JavaScript Unit Testing
    • Utility Methods
  • Review Quiz
  • Photo Gallery
  • Intranet Workgroup Collaboration
  • Colophon

Автор: candysailt (не зарегистрирован), дата: 21 сентября, 2022 - 05:24

This is a very wonderful chapter for me besides tunnel rush reading is very meaningful, really touching.

Автор: 온라인카지노 (не зарегистрирован), дата: 21 сентября, 2022 - 07:25

First of all, thank you for letting me see this information. I think this article can give me a lot of inspiration. I would appreciate 온라인카지노 if you could post more good contents in the future.

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Содержание этого поля является приватным и не предназначено к показу.
  • Адреса страниц и электронной почты автоматически преобразуются в ссылки.
  • Разрешены HTML-таги: <strike> <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <u> <i> <b> <pre> <img> <abbr> <blockquote> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <p> <div> <span> <sub> <sup>
  • Строки и параграфы переносятся автоматически.
  • Текстовые смайлы будут заменены на графические.

Подробнее о форматировании

15 + 3 =
Введите результат. Например, для 1+3, введите 4.
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Учебник javascript

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Сундучок с инструментами


Все об AJAX



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