Beginning Javascript with Dom Scripting and Ajax
Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): Christian Heilmann
Страниц: 512
Краткое содержание
- Getting Started with JavaScript
- Data and Decisions
- From DHTML to DOM Scripting
- HTML and JavaScript
- Presentation and Behavior (CSS and Event Handling)
- Common Uses of JavaScript: Images and Windows
- JavaScript and User Interaction: Navigation and Forms
- Back-End Interaction with Ajax
- Data Validation Techniques
- Modern JavaScript Case Study: A Dynamic Gallery
- Using Third-Party JavaScript
- APPENDIX. Debugging JavaScript
Полное содержание
- Getting Started with JavaScript
- The Why of JavaScript
- What Is JavaScript?
- Problems and Merits of JavaScript
- Why Use JavaScript If It Cannot Be Relied On?
- JavaScript in a Web Page and Essential Syntax
- JavaScript Syntax
- Code Execution
- An Aside About Functions
- Objects
- Simple JavaScript Example
- Summary
- Data and Decisions
- Data, Data Types, and Data Operators
- The String Data Type
- Operators
- JavaScript Variables
- Converting Different Types of Data
- The Composite Data Types: Array and Object
- Objects JavaScript Supplies You with: String, Date and Math
- Arrays
- The Array Object's Methods and Properties
- Making Decisions in JavaScript
- The Logical and Comparison Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Testing Multiple Values: the switch Statement
- Repeating Things: Loops
- Summary
- From DHTML to DOM Scripting
- JavaScript As "the Behavior Layer"
- Object Detection vs. Browser Dependence
- Progressive Enhancement
- JavaScript and Accessibility
- Good Coding Practices
- Naming Conventions
- Code Layout
- Commenting
- Functions
- Short Code via Ternary Operator
- Sorting and Reuse of Functions
- Variable and Function Scope
- Keeping Scripts Safe with the Object Literal
- Summary
- HTML and JavaScript
- The Anatomy of an HTML Document
- Providing Feedback in Web Pages via JavaScript: The Old School Ways
- Using window Methods: prompt(), alert() and confirm()
- Accessing the Document via the DOM
- Of Children, Parents, Siblings, and Values
- From the Parents to the Children
- From the Children to the Parents
- Among Siblings
- Changing Attributes of Elements
- Creating, Removing, and Replacing Elements
- Avoiding NOSCRIPT
- Shortening Your Scripts via InnerHTML
- DOM Summary: Your Cheat Sheet
- DOMhelp: Our Own Helper Library
- Summary
- Presentation and Behavior (CSS and Event Handling)
- Changing the Presentation Layer via JavaScript
- Changing the Document's Behavior via Event Handling
- Events in the W3C-Compliant World
- Fixing Events for the Non-W3C-Compliant World
- Never Stop Optimizing
- The Ugly Page Load Problem and Its Ugly Solutions
- Reading and Filtering Keyboard Entries
- The Dangers of Event Handling
- Summary
- Common Uses of JavaScript: Images and Windows
- Images and JavaScript
- Basics of Image Scripting
- Preloading Images
- Rollover Effects
- Slide Shows
- Summary of Images and JavaScript
- Windows and JavaScript
- Window Properties
- Window Methods
- Summary: Windows and JavaScript
- Summary
- JavaScript and User Interaction: Navigation and Forms
- Navigation and JavaScript
- The Fear of the Page Reload
- Basics of Navigation and JavaScript
- Browser Navigation
- In-Page Navigation
- Site Navigation
- Pagination
- Summary of Navigation with JavaScript
- Forms and JavaScript
- Basics of Forms with JavaScript
- Form Elements
- Interactive Forms: Hiding and Showing Dependent Elements
- Custom Form Elements
- Summary of Forms and JavaScript
- Summary
- Back-End Interaction with Ajax
- Household Cleaning Liquid, Football Club, or Flash Gordon's
- Spacecraft: What Is Ajax?
- Et Tu, Cache?
- Putting the X Back into Ajax
- Replacing XML with JSON
- Using Server-Side Scripts to Reach Third-Party Content
- XHR on Slow Connections
- A Larger Ajax Example: Connected Select Boxes
- Optional Dynamic Ajax Menus
- Summary
- Data Validation Techniques
- Pros and Cons of Client-Side JavaScript Validation
- A Quick Reminder About Protecting Content with JavaScript
- The One-Size-Fits-All Validation Myth
- Basic JavaScript Validation with String and Numeric Methods
- String Validation Methods
- Numeric Validation Methods
- Regular Expressions
- Syntax and Attributes
- Wildcard Searches, Constraining Scope, and Alternatives
- Restricting the Number of Characters with Quantifiers
- Word Boundaries, Whitespace, and Other Shortcuts
- Methods Using Regular Expressions
- The Power of Parenthesis Grouping
- Regular Expression Resources
- Summary of Validation Methods
- Form Validation Techniques
- Designating Mandatory Fields
- The Hidden Field Method
- The Indicator Element Method
- The CSS Classes Method
- The Custom Attribute Method
- Failures of These Methods
- Sharing Validation Rules
- Giving Users Validation Feedback
- Showing a List of Erroneous Fields
- Replacing the Main Form with a Clickable Error Message
- Highlighting Erroneous Fields Individually
- Instant Validation Feedback
- Other Dynamic Validation Methods
- Summary
- Modern JavaScript Case Study: A Dynamic Gallery
- Basics of Thumbnail Galleries
- What Is a Thumbnail Gallery and What Should It Do?
- Static Thumbnail Galleries
- Faking Dynamic Galleries with JavaScript
- Displaying Captions
- Dynamic Thumbnail Galleries
- Creating an Image Badge from a Folder
- Summary
- Using Third-Party JavaScript
- What the Web Offers You
- Code Snippets, RSS Feeds, APIs, and Libraries
- RSS Feeds and REST APIs
- Examples of REST APIs
- Using a Library: Short, Shorter, jQuery
- Dangers of jQuery and Other Libraries Using Their Own Syntax
- Using an API: Adding a Map to Your Site with Google Maps
- Full Service: The Yahoo Developer Network and User
- Interface Library
- Bouncy Headlines Using YUI
- Replacing Pop-Up Windows Using the YUI Connection Manager and Container Components
- Yahoo User Interface Library Summary
- Summary
- APPENDIX. Debugging JavaScript
- Common JavaScript Mistakes
- Misspellings and Case-Sensitivity Issues
- Trying to Access Undefined Variables
- Incorrect Number of Closing Braces and Parentheses
- Concatenation Gone Wrong
- Assigning Instead of Testing the Value of a Variable
- Tracing Errors with alert() and "Console" Elements
- Error Handling with try and catch()
- Sequential Uncommenting
- Error Reporting in Browsers
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
- Safari
- Opera 8.5
- Firefox 1
- JSLint and JSUNIT
- Summary
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