Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET
Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): W. McClure, S.Cate
Страниц: 403
Краткое содержание
- Introduction to Ajax on ASP.NET
- Introduction to DHTML
- JavaScript and the Document Object Model
- The XMLHttpRequest Object
- Data Communication: XML, XSLT, and JSON
- What Is Built into ASP.NET
- Ajax.NET Professional Library
- Anatomy of Ajax.NET Pro Library
- Other Ajax Frameworks for .NET
- Atlas Client Script
- Atlas Controls
- Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services
- Debugging
- Appendix A: XSLT Commands
Полное содержание
- Introduction to Ajax on ASP.NET
- Development Trends
- ASP.NET Development
- Design Methodology
- Problems ASPNET Solves
- So, What's the Problem?
- Improving the User Experience
- What Is Ajax?
- Advantages of Ajax
- History of Ajax
- Technologies That Make Up Ajax
- Running Ajax Applications
- Who's Using Ajax?
- Problems Ajax Won't Solve
- Summary
- Introduction to DHTML
- What JavaScript Is, and What It Isn't
- General Rules of JavaScript
- Writing Your First Block of JavaScript Code
- document.writeO
- Using document.write() in Nested for() Loops
- window.status and Events
- Getting Input from the User
- Security Concerns When Getting Text Input
- Canceling the Normal Outcome of an Event
- Causing an Event Not to "Bubble Up"
- Working with Images
- Working with the image src Attribute
- Using Functions
- Programmatically Populating the Options in <select>
- Using the innerHTML Property
- Manipulating the Style Sheet
- Creating a Context Menu
- Summary
- JavaScript and the Document Object Model
- From Static to Dynamic - A Brief History
- Attempts at Standardization
- Digging into Some More JavaScript Basics
- Functions and Syntax
- Event Handlers
- Core Language
- Variables
- Comments
- Datatypes
- Operators and Expressions
- Flow Control and Loops
- More on Objects and Functions
- Summary of Material So Far
- The Document Object Model
- Object Model Standardization (or Lack Thereof)
- Working with the DOM
- Manipulating Nodes
- Properties of a Node
- DOM Level 0 General Collections
- The DOM, Styles,and CSS
- Summary
- The XMLHttpRequest Object
- Code Examples for This Chapter
- What Is the XMLHttpRequest Object?
- A Little History
- Synchronous Requests
- Asynchronous Requests
- Dealing with Response Data
- Enhancing Usability
- Passing Parameters to the Server
- What about Web Services?
- Summary
- Data Communication: XML, XSLT, and JSON
- History of XML
- XML Documents
- Parsing XML
- XML Summary
- How Processing Occurs
- Built-In Functions
- Processing with XSLT
- Writing Functions in XSLT
- X Path
- Integrating XML and Ajax
- Layout of JSON
- JSON Example
- Summary
- What Is Built into ASP.NET
- Out-of-the-Box Controls
- TreeView Control
- GridView Control
- DetailsView Control
- Browser Compatibility
- The Framework
- ICallbackEventHandler Interface
- Page.ClientScript - System.Web.UI.ClientScriptManager
- Making All the Moving Parts Work Together
- Obtaining a Callback Reference
- Implementing the ICallbackEventHandler Interface
- Initiating the Asynchronous Process from the Browser
- Handling the Result of Asynchronous Server-Side Call on the Client
- Handling Errors in the Asynchronous Process
- Dealing with Complex Data
- Enabling the Page for Asynchronous Callbacks
- Obtaining the Data - Implementing the ICallbackEventHandler interface
- Dealing with the Returned Data on the Client
- Limitations on Returning Complex Data in XML
- ICallbackContainer Interface
- Summary
- Ajax.NET Professional Library
- Acquiring Ajax.NET Pro Version
- Preparing Your Application
- Using the Ajax.NET Pro Library
- Registering Your Page for Ajax.NET Pro
- Registering Your Methods for Ajax.NET Pro
- Examining the Request Object
- Executing Your Ajax on the Client
- Digging into response.value
- Returning Custom Objects
- More Advanced Callbacks and Context
- Ajax.NET Pro Request Events - Keeping Your Users Updated
- Errors, Errors, Errors. They Happen, You Trap 'em.
- Using the Ajax.NET Pro Library - Looking under the Hood
- When Is the Proxy JavaScript Created?
- What Does the JavaScript Do?
- What Happens on the Server after the Proxy JavaScript Has Been Fired? 176 How Is the Method in the ``Code-Behind Actually Executed and
- How Is the Page Actually Created?
- What Is Really Being Sent Back to the Client
- Summary
- Anatomy of Ajax.NET Pro Library
- Getting the Ajax.NET Pro Code
- What Do the Ajax.NET Pro Web.Config Settings Accomplish?
- What Happens When You Register the Page Class?
- What Role Does the Ajax.AjaxMethod() Attribute Play?
- How Does the JavaScript Call Get to the Server and Back?
- What Is an Ajax.NET Pro Converter?
- Summary
- Other Ajax Frameworks for .NET
- Client-Side Frameworks
- Sarissa
- HTMLHttpRequest
- MochiKit
- Server-Side Frameworks
- Architectural Distinctions
- Introduction to the Frameworks
- ComfortASP.NET
- Setup
- Using ComfortASPNET
- What You Have Learned
- MagicAjax
- Setup
- Using MagicAjax
- What You Have Learned
- Anthem.NET
- Setup
- Using Anthem.NET
- What You Have Learned
- Summary
- Atlas Client Script
- Introduction to Atlas
- Major Components
- Ajax Support
- Asynchronous Communication Only
- Adding Atlas Support with the ScriptManager Control
- Communicating with Web Services
- Generating the JavaScript Proxies
- Calling Out to Web Services
- Passing Types
- Simple Data Types
- Complex Data Types
- Caching Web Services
- Exposing Web Services from a Web Form
- Atlas Extensions to JavaScript
- Language Enhancements
- Registering Namespaces and Classes in Atlas
- Namespaces and Classes
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Enumerations
- Debugging
- Debugging Using debug.dump
- Debugging Using for() loop
- Special Notes Concerning Atlas Client-Side Script
- Resources Used
- Summary
- Atlas Controls
- Controls
- Buttons
- Sys.UI.Data Controls
- Server Controls
- Data Binding
- Declarative Data Binding
- Programmatic Data Binding
- Binding Directions
- Binding Transformations
- Validation
- Behaviors
- Resources Used
- Summary
- Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services
- Examining ASP.NET Services
- Authentication
- Authorization/Roles
- Membership
- Profiles
- Web Part Personalization
- Using Atlas to Integrate with ASP.NET Services
- Authentication
- Authorization/Roles
- Accessing Profiles via Atlas
- Profile Property Names
- Loading Profile Data
- Save Profile Data
- Avoiding Profile Service Gotchas
- Implementing Drag and Drop via Atlas
- Summary
- Debugging
- Server-Side Debugging
- Enabling Debugging Support
- Setting Breakpoints
- JavaScript and Client-Side Debugging
- Tools and Techniques of the Trade
- Other Ways of Invoking the Debugger
- Other Ways of Inspecting the Value of Variables
- Script Debugging So Far
- Browser Debugging Tools
- The Man in the Middle
- Summary
- Appendix A: XSLT Commands
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