
Foundations of Ajax

Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): R.Asleson, N.Schutta
Страниц: 273

Краткое содержание
  • Introducing Ajax
  • Using the XMLHttpRequest Object
  • Communicating with the Server: Sending Requests and Processing Responses
  • Implementing Basic Ajax Techniques
  • Building the Ultimate Ajax Developer's Toolbox
  • Testing JavaScript with JsUnit
  • Exploring JavaScript Debugging Tools and Techniques
  • Putting It All Together
  • APPENDIX A Developing Cross-Browser JavaScript
  • APPENDIX B Introducing Ajax Frameworks
Средняя: 3.7 (74 votes)

Полное содержание
  • Introducing Ajax
    • A Short History of Web Applications
    • Browser History
    • The Evolution of Web Applications
      • CGI
      • Applets
      • JavaScript
      • Servlets and ASPs and PHP
      • Flash
      • The DHTML Revolution
      • The XML Derivatives
      • The Fundamental Problem
      • Ajax
    • The Usability Question
    • The Skill Set
    • Usage
    • Design Considerations
    • Summary
  • Using the XMLHttpRequest Object
    • Overview of the XMLHttpRequest Object
    • Methods and Properties
    • An Example Interaction
    • GET vs. POST
    • Remote Scripting
      • Overview of Remote Scripting
      • A Remote Scripting Example
    • How to Send a Simple Request
      • A Simple Request Example
      • A Word About Security
    • DOM Level 3 Load and Save
    • The DOM
    • Summary
  • Communicating with the Server: Sending Requests and Processing Responses
    • Processing the Server Response
      • Using the innerHTML Property to Create Dynamic Content
      • Parsing the Response As XML
      • Dynamically Editing Page Content with the W3C DOM
    • Sending Request Parameters
      • Sending Request Parameters As XML
      • Sending Data to the Server Using JSON
    • Summary
  • Implementing Basic Ajax Techniques
    • Performing Validation
    • Reading Response Headers
    • Dynamically Loading List Boxes
    • Creating an Autorefreshing Page
    • Displaying a Progress Bar
    • Creating Tooltips
    • Dynamically Updating a Web Page
    • Accessing Web Services
    • Providing Autocomplete
    • Summary
  • Building the Ultimate Ajax Developer's Toolbox
    • Documenting JavaScript Code with JSDoc
      • Installation
      • Usage
    • Validating HTML Content with Firefox Extensions
      • HTML Validator
      • Checky
    • Searching for Nodes Using DOM Inspector
    • Performing JavaScript Syntax Checking with JSLint
    • Performing JavaScript Compression and Obfuscation
    • Using the Web Developer Extension for Firefox
    • Implementing Advanced JavaScript Techniques
      • Object-Oriented JavaScript via the prototype Property
      • Private Properties and Information Hiding with JavaScript
      • Classical Inheritance in JavaScript
      • Putting It All Together
    • Summary
  • Testing JavaScript with JsUnit
    • Rising to the JavaScript Challenge
      • Introducing the Test-First Approach
      • Introducing JUnit
    • Exploring JsUnit
      • Getting Started
      • Writing Tests
      • Running Tests
      • Using Standard and Custom Query Strings
      • Working with JsUnit Server
      • Getting Help
      • What Else Can You Use?
    • Summary
  • Exploring JavaScript Debugging Tools and Techniques
    • Debugging Ajax Requests with Greasemonkey
      • Introducing Greasemonkey
      • Using an XMLHttpRequest Debugging User Script for Greasemonkey
      • Inspecting Ajax Requests and Responses with the XMLHttpRequest Debugging User Script
    • Debugging JavaScript
      • Using Firefox JavaScript Console
      • Using Microsoft Script Debugger
      • Using Venkman
    • Summary
  • Putting It All Together
    • Introducing Patterns
      • Implementing the Fade Anything Technique (FAT)
      • Implementing Auto Refresh
      • Implementing a Partial Page Paint
      • Implementing a Draggable DOM
    • Avoiding Common Gotchas
    • Learning Where to Go for More
    • Using a Framework
    • Introducing Taconite
      • The Theory of Taconite
      • The Solution
      • What Does Taconite Do with the Content?
    • Introducing Dashboard Applications
    • Building the Ajax Dashboard with Taconite
      • Introducing the General Features
      • Introducing the Design Features
      • Analyzing the Code
      • Analyzing the Weather Forecast Component
      • Analyzing the Headline News Component
      • How Does the Automatic Refreshing Work?
      • Building a Better Autocomplete
    • Summary
  • APPENDIX A Developing Cross-Browser JavaScript
    • Appending Rows to a Table
    • Setting an Element's Style via JavaScript
    • Setting an Element's class Attribute
    • Creating Input Elements
    • Adding Event Handlers to Input Elements
    • Creating Radio Buttons
    • Summary
  • APPENDIX B Introducing Ajax Frameworks
    • Browser-Side Frameworks
      • Dojo
      • Rico
      • qooxdoo
      • TIBET
      • Flash/JavaScript Integration Kit
      • Google AJAXSLT
      • libXmlRequest
      • RSLite
      • SACK
      • sarrisa
      • XHConn
    • Server-Side Frameworks
      • CPAINT
      • Sajax
      • Direct Web Remoting
      • SWATO
      • Java BluePrints
      • Ajax.Net
      • Microsoft's Project Atlas
      • Ruby on Rails

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Содержание этого поля является приватным и не предназначено к показу.
  • Адреса страниц и электронной почты автоматически преобразуются в ссылки.
  • Разрешены HTML-таги: <strike> <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <u> <i> <b> <pre> <img> <abbr> <blockquote> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <p> <div> <span> <sub> <sup>
  • Строки и параграфы переносятся автоматически.
  • Текстовые смайлы будут заменены на графические.

Подробнее о форматировании

1 + 17 =
Введите результат. Например, для 1+3, введите 4.
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