JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): David Flanagan
Страниц: 1018
Краткое содержание
- Preface
- Core JavaScript
- Client-Side JavaScript
- Core JavaScript Reference
- Client-Side JavaScript Reference
Полное содержание
- Preface
- Introduction to JavaScript
- What Is JavaScript?
- Versions of JavaScript
- Client-Side JavaScript
- JavaScript in Other Contexts
- Exploring JavaScript
- Core JavaScript
- Lexical Structure
- Character Set
- Case Sensitivity
- Whitespace and Line Breaks
- Optional Semicolons
- Comments
- Literals
- Identifiers
- Reserved Words
- Datatypes and Values
- Numbers
- Strings
- Boolean Values
- Functions
- Objects
- Arrays
- null
- undefined
- The Date Object
- Regular Expressions
- Error Objects
- Type Conversion Summary
- Primitive Datatype Wrapper Objects
- Object-to-Primitive Conversion
- By Value Versus by Reference
- Variables
- Variable Typing
- Variable Declaration
- Variable Scope
- Primitive Types and Reference Types
- Garbage Collection
- Variables as Properties
- Variable Scope Revisited
- Expressions and Operators
- Expressions
- Operator Overview
- Arithmetic Operators
- Equality Operators
- Relational Operators
- String Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Miscellaneous Operators
- Statements
- Expression Statements
- Compound Statements
- if
- else if
- switch
- while
- do/while
- for
- for/in
- Labels
- break
- continue
- var
- function
- return
- throw
- try/catch/finally
- with
- The Empty Statement
- Summary of JavaScript Statements
- Objects and Arrays
- Creating Objects
- Object Properties
- Objects as Associative Arrays
- Universal Object Properties and Methods
- Arrays
- Reading and Writing Array Elements
- Array Methods
- Array-Like Objects
- Functions
- Defining and Invoking Functions
- Function Arguments
- Functions as Data
- Functions as Methods
- Constructor Functions
- Function Properties and Methods
- Utility Function Examples
- Function Scope and Closures
- The Function() Constructor
- Classes, Constructors, and Prototypes
- Constructors
- Prototypes and Inheritance
- Simulating Classes in JavaScript
- Common Object Methods
- Superclasses and Subclasses
- Extending Without Inheriting
- Determining Object Type
- Example: A defineClass( ) Utility Method
- Modules and Namespaces
- Creating Modules and Namespaces
- Importing Symbols from Namespaces
- Module Utilities
- Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Defining Regular Expressions
- String Methods for Pattern Matching
- The RegExp Object
- Scripting Java
- Embedding JavaScript
- Scripting Java
- Client-Side JavaScript
- JavaScript in Web Browsers
- The Web Browser Environment
- Embedding Scripts in HTML
- Event Handlers in HTML
- JavaScript in URLs
- Execution of JavaScript Programs
- Client-Side Compatibility
- Accessibility
- JavaScript Security
- Other Web-Related JavaScript Embeddings
- Scripting Browser Windows
- Timers
- Browser Location and History
- Obtaining Window, Screen, and Browser Information
- Opening and Manipulating Windows
- Simple Dialog Boxes
- Scripting the Status Line
- Error Handling
- Multiple Windows and Frames
- Example: A Navigation Bar in a Frame
- Scripting Documents
- Dynamic Document Content
- Document Properties
- Legacy DOM: Document Object Collections
- Overview of the W3C DOM
- Traversing a Document
- Finding Elements in a Document
- Modifying a Document
- Adding Content to a Document
- Example: A Dynamically Created Table of Contents
- Querying Selected Text
- The IE 4 DOM
- Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML
- Overview of CSS
- Scripting Inline Styles
- Scripting Computed Styles
- Scripting CSS Classes
- Scripting Stylesheets
- Events and Event Handling
- Basic Event Handling
- Advanced Event Handling with DOM Level 2
- The Internet Explorer Event Model
- Mouse Events
- Key Events
- The onload Event
- Synthetic Events
- Forms and Form Elements
- The Form Object
- Defining Form Elements
- Scripting Form Elements
- Form Verification Example
- Cookies and Client-Side Persistence
- An Overview of Cookies
- Storing Cookies
- Reading Cookies
- Cookie Example
- Cookie Alternatives
- Persistent Data and Security
- Scripting HTTP
- Using XMLHttpRequest
- XMLHttpRequest Examples and Utilities
- Ajax and Dynamic Scripting
- Scripting HTTP with <script> Tags
- JavaScript and XML
- Obtaining XML Documents
- Manipulating XML with the DOM API
- Transforming XML with XSLT
- Querying XML with XPath
- Serializing XML
- Expanding HTML Templates with XML Data
- XML and Web Services
- E4X: ECMAScript for XML
- Scripted Client-Side Graphics
- Scripting Images
- Graphics with CSS
- SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
- VML: Vector Markup Language
- Graphics in a <canvas>
- Graphics with Flash
- Graphics with Java
- Scripting Java Applets and Flash Movies
- Scripting Applets
- Scripting the Java Plug-in
- Scripting with Java
- Scripting Flash
- Scripting Flash 8
- Core JavaScript Reference
- Core JavaScript Reference
- Sample Entry: how to read these reference pages
- arguments[ ]: an array of function arguments
- Arguments: arguments and other properties of a function
- Arguments.callee: the function that is currently running
- Arguments.length: the number of arguments passed to a function
- Array: built-in support for arrays
- Array.concat( ): concatenate arrays
- Array.join( ): concatenate array elements to form a string
- Array.length: the size of an array
- Array.pop( ): remove and return the last element of an array
- Array.push( ): append elements to an array
- Array.reverse( ): reverse the elements of an array
- Array.shift( ): shift array elements down
- Array.slice( ): return a portion of an array
- Array.sort( ): sort the elements of an array
- Array.splice( ): insert, remove, or replace array elements
- Array.toLocaleString( ): convert an array to a localized string
- Array.toString( ): convert an array to a string
- Array.unshift( ): insert elements at the beginning of an array
- Boolean: support for boolean values
- Boolean.toString( ): convert a boolean value to a string
- Boolean.valueOf( ): the boolean value of a Boolean object
- Date: manipulate dates and times
- Date.getDate( ): return the day-of-the-month field of a Date
- Date.getDay( ): return the day-of-the-week field of a Date
- Date.getFullYear( ): return the year field of a Date
- Date.getHours( ): return the hours field of a Date
- Date.getMilliseconds( ): return the milliseconds field of a Date
- Date.getMinutes( ): return the minutes field of a Date
- Date.getMonth( ): return the month field of a Date
- Date.getSeconds( ): return the seconds field of a Date
- Date.getTime( ): return a Date in milliseconds
- Date.getTimezoneOffset( ): determine the offset from GMT
- Date.getUTCDate( ): return the day-of-the-month field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCDay( ): return the day-of-the-week field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCFullYear( ): return the year field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCHours( ): return the hours field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCMilliseconds( ): return the milliseconds field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCMinutes( ): return the minutes field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCMonth( ): return the month-of-the-year field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getUTCSeconds( ): return the seconds field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.getYear( ): return the year field of a Date
- Date.parse( ): parse a date/time string
- Date.setDate( ): set the day-of-the-month field of a Date
- Date.setFullYear( ): set the year and, optionally, the month and date fields of a Date
- Date.setHours( ): set the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds fields of a Date
- Date.setMilliseconds( ): set the milliseconds field of a Date
- Date.setMinutes( ): set the minutes, seconds, and milliseconds fields of a Date
- Date.setMonth( ): set the month and day fields of a Date
- Date.setSeconds( ): set the seconds and milliseconds fields of a Date
- Date.setTime( ): set a Date in milliseconds
- Date.setUTCDate( ): set the day-of-the-month field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setUTCFullYear( ): set the year, month, and day fields of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setUTCHours( ): set the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds fields of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setUTCMilliseconds( ): set the milliseconds field of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setUTCMinutes( ): set the minutes, seconds, and milliseconds fields of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setUTCMonth( ): set the month and day fields of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setUTCSeconds( ): set the seconds and milliseconds fields of a Date (universal time)
- Date.setYear( ): set the year field of a Date
- Date.toDateString( ): return the date portion of a Date as a string
- Date.toGMTString( ): convert a Date to a universal time string
- Date.toLocaleDateString( ): return the date portion of a Date as a locally formatted string
- Date.toLocaleString( ): convert a Date to a locally formatted string
- Date.toLocaleTimeString( ): return the time portion of a Date as a locally formatted string
- Date.toString( ): convert a Date to a string
- Date.toTimeString( ): return the time portion of a Date as a string
- Date.toUTCString( ): convert a Date to a string (universal time)
- Date.UTC( ): convert a Date specification to milliseconds
- Date.valueOf( ): convert a Date to millisecond representation
- decodeURI( ): unescape characters in a URI
- decodeURIComponent( ): unescape characters in a URI component
- encodeURI( ): escape characters in a URI
- encodeURIComponent( ): escape characters in a URI component
- Error: a generic exception
- Error.message: a human-readable error message
- the type of an error
- Error.toString( ): convert an Error object to a string
- escape( ): encode a string
- eval( ): execute JavaScript code from a string
- EvalError: thrown when eval( ) is used improperly
- Function: a JavaScript function
- Function.apply( ): invoke a function as a method of an object
- Function.arguments[]: arguments passed to a function
- ): invoke a function as a method of an object
- Function.caller: the function that called this one
- Function.length: the number of declared arguments
- Function.prototype: the prototype for a class of objects
- Function.toString( ): convert a function to a string
- getClass( ): return the JavaClass of a JavaObject
- Global: the global object
- Infinity: a numeric property that represents infinity
- isFinite( ): determine whether a number is finite
- isNaN( ): check for not-a-number
- java: the JavaPackage for the java.* package hierarchy
- JavaArray: JavaScript representation of a Java array
- JavaClass: JavaScript representation of a Java class
- JavaObject: JavaScript representation of a Java object
- JavaPackage: JavaScript representation of a Java package
- JSObject: see JSObject in Part IV
- Math: mathematical functions and constants
- Math.abs( ): compute an absolute value
- Math.acos( ): compute an arccosine
- Math.asin( ): compute an arcsine
- Math.atan( ): compute an arctangent
- Math.atan2( ): compute the angle from the X axis to a point
- Math.ceil( ): round a number up
- Math.cos( ): compute a cosine
- Math.E: the mathematical constant e
- Math.exp( ): compute ex
- Math.floor( ): round a number down
- Math.LN10: the mathematical constant loge2
- Math.LN2: the mathematical constant loge10
- Math.log( ): compute a natural logarithm
- Math.LOG10E: the mathematical constant log2e
- Math.LOG2E: the mathematical constant log10e
- Math.max( ): return the largest argument
- Math.min( ): return the smallest argument
- Math.PI: the mathematical constant ПЂ
- Math.pow( ): compute xy
- Math.random( ): return a pseudorandom number
- Math.round( ): round to the nearest integer
- Math.sin( ): compute a sine
- Math.sqrt( ): compute a square root
- Math.SQRT1_2: the mathematical constant 1/
- Math.SQRT2: the mathematical constant
- Math.tan( ): compute a tangent
- NaN: the not-a-number property
- Number: support for numbers
- Number.MAX_VALUE: the maximum numeric value
- Number.MIN_VALUE: the minimum numeric value
- Number.NaN: the special not-a-number value
- Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY: negative infinity
- Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY: infinity
- Number.toExponential( ): format a number using exponential notation
- Number.toFixed( ): format a number using fixed-point notation
- Number.toLocaleString( ): convert a number to a locally formatted string
- Number.toPrecision( ): format the significant digits of a number
- Number.toString( ): convert a number to a string
- Number.valueOf( ): return the primitive number value
- Object: a superclass that contains features of all JavaScript objects
- Object.constructor: an object's constructor function
- Object.hasOwnProperty( ): check whether a property is inherited
- Object.isPrototypeOf( ): is one object the prototype of another?
- Object.propertyIsEnumerable( ): will property be seen by a for/in loop?
- Object.toLocaleString( ): return an object's localized string representation
- Object.toString( ): define an object's string representation
- Object.valueOf( ): the primitive value of the specified object
- Packages: the root JavaPackage
- parseFloat( ): convert a string to a number
- parseInt( ): convert a string to an integer
- RangeError: thrown when a number is out of its legal range
- ReferenceError: thrown when reading a variable that does not exist
- RegExp: regular expressions for pattern matching
- RegExp.exec( ): general-purpose pattern matching
- whether a regular expression matches globally
- RegExp.ignoreCase: whether a regular expression is case-insensitive
- RegExp.lastIndex: the starting position of the next match
- RegExp.source: the text of the regular expression
- RegExp.test( ): test whether a string matches a pattern
- RegExp.toString( ): convert a regular expression to a string
- String: support for strings
- String.charAt( ): get the nth character from a string
- String.charCodeAt( ): get the nth character code from a string
- String.concat( ): concatenate strings
- String.fromCharCode( ): create a string from character encodings
- String.indexOf( ): search a string
- String.lastIndexOf( ): search a string backward
- String.length: the length of a string
- String.localeCompare( ): compare one string to another, using locale-specific ordering
- String.match( ): find one or more regular-expression matches
- String.replace( ): replace substring(s) matching a regular expression
- ): search for a regular expression
- String.slice( ): extract a substring
- String.split( ): break a string into an array of strings
- String.substr( ): extract a substring
- String.substring( ): return a substring of a string
- String.toLocaleLowerCase( ): convert a string to lowercase
- String.toLocaleUpperCase( ): convert a string to uppercase
- String.toLowerCase( ): convert a string to lowercase
- String.toString( ): return the string
- String.toUpperCase( ): convert a string to uppercase
- String.valueOf( ): return the string
- SyntaxError: thrown to signal a syntax error
- TypeError: thrown when a value is of the wrong type
- undefined: the undefined value
- unescape( ): decode an escaped string
- URIError: thrown by URI encoding and decoding methods
- Client-Side JavaScript Reference
- Client-Side JavaScript Reference
- Anchor: the target of a hypertext link
- Anchor.focus( ): scroll to make the anchor location visible
- Applet: an applet embedded in a web page
- Attr: an attribute of a document element
- Button: see Input
- Canvas: an HTML element for scripted drawing
- Canvas.getContext( ): return a context for drawing on the canvas
- CanvasGradient: a color gradient for use in a canvas
- CanvasGradient.addColorStop( ): add a change of color at some point in the gradient
- CanvasPattern: an image-based pattern for use in a Canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D: the object used for drawing on a canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.arc( ): add an arc to the current subpath of a canvas, using a center point and radius
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.arcTo( ): add an arc of a circle to the current subpath, using tangent points and a radius
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.beginPath( ): start a new collection of subpaths in a canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.bezierCurveTo( ): add a cubic BГ©zier curve to the current subpath
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearRect( ): erase a rectangular area of a canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip( ): set the clipping path of a canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.closePath( ): closes an open subpath
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradient( ): create a linear color gradient
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern( ): create a pattern of tiled images
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient( ): create a radial color gradient
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage( ): draw an image
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.fill( ): fill the path
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRect( ): fill a rectangle
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalCompositeOperation: specifies how colors are combined on the canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineCap: specifies how the ends of lines are rendered
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineJoin: specifies how vertices are rendered
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineTo( ): add a straight line to the current subpath
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.miterLimit: maximum-miter-length-to-line-width ratio
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.moveTo( ): sets the current position and begins a new subpath
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.quadraticCurveTo( ): add a quadratic Bezier curve to the current subpath
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.rect( ): add a rectangle subpath to the path
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.restore( ): reset drawing state to saved values
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.rotate( ): rotate the coordinate system of the canvas
- ): save a copy of the current graphics state
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.scale( ): scale the user coordinate system of the canvas
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.stroke( ): draw the current path
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeRect( ): draw a rectangle
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.translate( ): translate the user coordinate system of the canvas
- CDATASection: a CDATA node in an XML document
- CharacterData: common functionality for Text and Comment nodes
- CharacterData.appendData( ): append a string to a Text or Comment node
- CharacterData.deleteData( ): delete characters from a Text or Comment node
- CharacterData.insertData( ): insert a string into a Text or Comment node
- CharacterData.replaceData( ): replace characters of a Text or Comment node with a string
- CharacterData.substringData( ): extract a substring from a Text or Comment node
- Checkbox: see Input
- Comment: an HTML or XML comment
- CSS2Properties: a set of CSS attributes and their values
- CSSRule: a rule in a CSS stylesheet
- CSSStyleSheet: a CSS stylesheet
- CSSStyleSheet.addRule( ): IE-specific method to insert a rule into a stylesheet
- CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule( ): delete a rule from a stylesheet
- CSSStyleSheet.insertRule( ): insert a rule into a stylesheet
- CSSStyleSheet.removeRule( ): IE-specific method to remove a rule from a stylesheet
- Document: an HTML or XML document
- Document.addEventListener( ): see Element.addEventListener( )
- Document.attachEvent( ): see Element.attachEvent( )
- Document.createAttribute( ): create a new Attr node
- Document.createAttributeNS( ): create an Attr with a name and namespace
- Document.createCDATASection( ): create a new CDATASection node
- Document.createComment( ): create a new Comment node
- Document.createDocumentFragment( ): create a new, empty DocumentFragment node
- Document.createElement( ): create a new Element node
- Document.createElementNS( ): create a new Element node using a namespace
- Document.createEvent( ): create an Event object
- Document.createExpression( ): create an XPath expression for later evaluation
- Document.createProcessingInstruction( ): create a ProcessingInstruction node
- Document.createRange( ): create a Range object
- Document.createTextNode( ): create a new Text node
- Document.detachEvent( ): see Element.detachEvent( )
- Document.dispatchEvent( ): see Element.dispatchEvent( )
- Document.evaluate( ): evaluate an XPath expression
- Document.getElementById( ): find an element with the specified unique ID
- Document.getElementsByTagName( ): return all Element nodes with the specified name
- Document.getElementsByTagNameNS( ): return all Element nodes with a specified name and namespace
- Document.importNode( ): copy a node from another document for use in this document
- Document.loadXML( ): populate this Document by parsing a string of XML markup
- Document.removeEventListener( ): see Element.removeEventListener( )
- DocumentFragment: adjacent nodes and their subtrees
- DocumentType: the DTD of an XML document
- DOMException: signal exceptions or errors for core DOM objects
- DOMImplementation: methods independent of any particular document
- DOMImplementation.createDocument( ): create a new Document and the specified root element
- DOMImplementation.createDocumentType( ): create a DocumentType node
- DOMImplementation.hasFeature( ): determine whether the implementation supports a feature
- DOMParser: parses XML markup to create a Document
- DOMParser.parseFromString( ): parse XML markup
- Element: an HTML or XML element
- Element.addEventListener( ): register an event handler
- Element.attachEvent( ): register an event handler
- Element.detachEvent( ): delete an event listener
- Element.dispatchEvent( ): dispatch a synthetic event to this node
- Element.getAttribute( ): return the string value of a named attribute
- Element.getAttributeNode( ): return the Attr node for the named attribute
- Element.getAttributeNodeNS( ): return the Attr node for an attribute with a namespace
- Element.getAttributeNS( ): get the value of an attribute that uses namespaces
- Element.getElementsByTagName( ): find descendant elements with a specified tag name
- Element.getElementsByTagNameNS( ): return descendant elements with the specified name and namespace
- Element.hasAttribute( ): determine whether this element has a specified attribute
- Element.hasAttributeNS( ): determine whether this element has a specified attribute
- Element.removeAttribute( ): delete a named attribute of an element
- Element.removeAttributeNode( ): remove an Attr node from an element
- Element.removeAttributeNS( ): delete an attribute specified by name and namespace
- Element.removeEventListener( ): delete an event listener
- Element.setAttribute( ): create or change an attribute of an element
- Element.setAttributeNode( ): add a new Attr node to an Element
- Element.setAttributeNodeNS( ): add a namespace Attr node to an Element
- Element.setAttributeNS( ): create or change an attribute with a namespace
- Event: information about an event
- Event.initEvent( ): initialize the properties of a new event
- Event.preventDefault( ): cancel default action of an event
- Event.stopPropagation( ): do not dispatch an event any further
- ExternalInterface: a bidirectional interface to Flash
- ExternalInterface.addCallback( ): expose an ActionScript method for execution from JavaScript
- ): call a JavaScript function from ActionScript
- FileUpload: see Input
- FlashPlayer: plug-in for Flash movies
- FlashPlayer.GetVariable( ): return a value defined in a Flash movie
- FlashPlayer.GotoFrame( ): skip to the specified frame of a movie
- FlashPlayer.IsPlaying( ): check whether a movie is playing
- FlashPlayer.LoadMovie( ): load an auxiliary movie
- FlashPlayer.Pan( ): move the viewport of the movie
- FlashPlayer.PercentLoaded( ): determine how much of the movie has loaded
- FlashPlayer.Play( ): play a movie
- FlashPlayer.Rewind( ): rewind the movie to its first frame
- FlashPlayer.SetVariable( ): set a variable defined by a Flash movie
- FlashPlayer.SetZoomRect( ): set the viewport of a movie
- FlashPlayer.StopPlay( ): stop the movie
- FlashPlayer.TotalFrames( ): return the length of the movie, in frames
- FlashPlayer.Zoom( ): zoom in or out
- Form: a <form> in an HTML document
- Form.elements[]: the input elements of a form
- Form.onreset: event handler invoked when a form is reset
- Form.onsubmit: event handler invoked when a form is submitted
- Form.reset( ): reset the elements of a form to their default values
- Form.submit( ): submit form data to a web server
- Frame: a <frame> in an HTML document
- Hidden: see Input
- History: the URL history of the browser
- History.back( ): return to the previous URL
- History.forward( ): visit the next URL
- History.go( ): revisit a URL
- HTMLCollection: array of HTML elements accessible by position or name
- HTMLCollection.item( ): get an element by position
- HTMLCollection.namedItem( ): get an element by name
- HTMLDocument: the root of an HTML document tree
- HTMLDocument.all[]: all HTML elements in a document
- HTMLDocument.close( ): close an open document and display it
- HTMLDocument.cookie: the cookie(s) of the document
- HTMLDocument.domain: the security domain of a document
- HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( ): find elements with the specified name attribute
- ): begin a new document, erasing the current one
- HTMLDocument.write( ): append HTML text to an open document
- HTMLDocument.writeln( ): append HTML text and a newline to an open document
- HTMLElement: an element in an HTML document
- HTMLElement.onclick: event handler invoked when the user clicks on an element
- HTMLElement.ondblclick: event handler invoked when the user double-clicks on an element
- HTMLElement.onkeydown: event handler invoked when the user presses a key
- HTMLElement.onkeypress: event handler invoked when the user presses a key
- HTMLElement.onkeyup: event handler invoked when the user releases a key
- HTMLElement.onmousedown: event handler invoked when the user presses a mouse button
- HTMLElement.onmousemove: event handler invoked when the mouse moves within an element
- HTMLElement.onmouseout: event handler invoked when mouse moves out of an element
- HTMLElement.onmouseover: event handler invoked when the mouse moves over an element
- HTMLElement.onmouseup: event handler invoked when the user releases a mouse button
- HTMLElement.scrollIntoView( ): make an element visible
- IFrame: an <iframe> in an HTML document
- Image: an image in an HTML document
- Image.onabort: event handler invoked when the user aborts image loading
- Image.onerror: event handler invoked when an error occurs during image loading
- Image.onload: event handler invoked when an image finishes loading
- Input: an input element in an HTML form
- Input.blur( ): remove keyboard focus from a form element
- ): simulate a mouse click on a form element
- Input.focus( ): give keyboard focus to a form element
- Input.onblur: the handler invoked when a form element loses focus
- Input.onchange: event handler invoked when a form element's value changes
- Input.onclick: event handler invoked when a form element is clicked
- Input.onfocus: event handler invoked when a form element gains focus
- ): select the text in a form element
- JavaArray, JavaClass, JavaObject, JavaPackage: see Part III
- JSObject: Java representation of a JavaScript object
- ): invoke a method of a JavaScript object
- JSObject.eval( ): evaluate a string of JavaScript code
- JSObject.getMember( ): read a property of a JavaScript object
- JSObject.getSlot( ): read an array element of a JavaScript object
- JSObject.getWindow( ): return initial JSObject for browser window
- JSObject.removeMember( ): delete a property of a JavaScript object
- JSObject.setMember( ): set a property of a JavaScript object
- JSObject.setSlot( ): set an array element of a JavaScript object
- JSObject.toString( ): return the string value of a JavaScript object
- KeyEvent: details about a keyboard event
- Layer: an obsolete Netscape API
- Link: a hyperlink or anchor in an HTML document
- Link.blur( ): take keyboard focus away from a hyperlink
- Link.focus( ): make a link visible and give it keyboard focus
- Link.onclick: event handler invoked when a Link is clicked
- Link.onmouseout: event handler invoked when the mouse leaves a link
- Link.onmouseover: event handler invoked when the mouse goes over a link
- Location: represents and controls browser location
- Location.reload( ): reload the current document
- Location.replace( ): replace one displayed document with another
- MimeType: represents a MIME datatype
- MouseEvent: details about a mouse event
- MouseEvent.initMouseEvent( ): initialize the properties of a MouseEvent object
- Navigator: information about the browser in use
- Navigator.javaEnabled( ): test whether Java is available
- Node: a node in a document tree
- Node.appendChild( ): insert a node as the last child of this node
- Node.cloneNode( ): duplicate a node and, optionally, all of its descendants
- Node.hasAttributes( ): determine whether a node has attributes
- Node.hasChildNodes( ): determine whether a node has children
- Node.insertBefore( ): insert a node into the document tree before the specified node
- Node.isSupported( ): determine if a node supports a feature
- Node.normalize( ): merge adjacent Text nodes and remove empty ones
- Node.removeChild( ): remove (and return) the specified child of this node
- Node.replaceChild( ): replace a child node with a new node
- Node.selectNodes( ): select nodes with an XPath query
- Node.transformNode( ): transform a node to a string using XSLT
- Node.transformNodeToObject( ): transform a node to a document using XSLT
- NodeList: a read-only array of nodes
- NodeList.item(): get an element of a NodeList
- Option: an option in a Select element
- Packages: see Packages in Part III
- Password: see Input
- Plugin: describes an installed plug-in
- ProcessingInstruction : a processing instruction in an XML document
- Radio: see Input
- Range: represents a contiguous range of a document
- Range.cloneContents(): copy range contents into a DocumentFragment
- Range.cloneRange(): make a copy of this range
- Range.collapse(): make one boundary point equal to the other
- Range.compareBoundaryPoints(): compare positions of two ranges
- Range.deleteContents(): delete a region of the document
- Range.detach(): free a Range object
- Range.extractContents( ): delete document content and return it in a DocumentFragment
- Range.insertNode( ): insert a node at the start of a range
- Range.selectNode(): set range boundaries to a node
- Range.selectNodeContents( ): set range boundaries to the children of a node
- Range.setEnd( ): set the end point of a range
- Range.setEndAfter( ): end a range after a specified node
- Range.setEndBefore( ): end a range before the specified node
- Range.setStart( ): set the start point of a range
- Range.setStartAfter( ): start a range after the specified node
- Range.setStartBefore( ): start a range before the specified node
- Range.surroundContents( ): surround range contents with the specified node
- Range.toString( ): get range contents as a plain-text string
- RangeException: signals a range-specific exception
- Reset: see Input
- Screen: provides information about the display
- Synopsis
- Select: a graphical selection list
- Select.add( ): insert an <option> element
- Select.blur( ): take keyboard focus away from this element
- Select.focus( ): give keyboard focus to this element
- Select.onchange: event handler invoked when the selection changes
- Select.options[]: the choices in a Select object
- Select.remove( ): remove an <option>
- Style: see CSS2Properties
- Submit: see Input
- Table: a <table> in an HTML document
- Table.createCaption( ): get or create a <caption>
- Table.createTFoot( ): get or create a <tfoot>
- Table.createTHead( ): get or create a <thead>
- Table.deleteCaption( ): delete the <caption> of a table
- Table.deleteRow( ): delete a row of a table
- Table.deleteTFoot( ): delete the <tfoot> of a table
- Table.deleteTHead( ): delete the <thead> of a table
- Table.insertRow( ): add a new, empty row to the table
- TableCell: cell in an HTML table
- TableRow: a <tr> element in an HTML table
- TableRow.deleteCell( ): delete a cell in a table row
- TableRow.insertCell( ): insert a new, empty <td> element into a table row
- TableSection: a header, footer, or body section of a table
- TableSection.deleteRow( ): delete a row within a table section
- TableSection.insertRow( ): insert a new, empty row into this table section
- Text: a run of text in an HTML or XML document
- Text.splitText( ): split a Text node in two
- Textarea: a multiline text input area
- Textarea.blur( ): take keyboard focus away from this element
- Textarea.focus( ): give keyboard focus to this element
- Textarea.onchange: event handler invoked when input value changes
- ): select the text in this element
- TextField: see Input
- UIEvent: details about user-interface events
- UIEvent.initUIEvent( ): initialize the properties of a UIEvent object
- Window: a web browser window or frame
- Window.addEventListener( ): see Element.addEventListener( )
- Window.alert( ): display a message in a dialog box
- Window.attachEvent( ): see Element.attachEvent( )
- Window.blur( ): remove keyboard focus from a top-level window
- Window.clearInterval( ): stop periodically executing code
- Window.clearTimeout( ): cancel deferred execution
- Window.close( ): close a browser window
- Window.confirm( ): ask a yes-or-no question
- Window.defaultStatus: the default status line text
- Window.detachEvent( ): see Element.detachEvent( )
- Window.focus( ): give keyboard focus to a window
- Window.getComputedStyle( ): retrieve the CSS styles used to render an element
- Window.moveBy( ): move a window to a relative position
- Window.moveTo( ): move a window to an absolute position
- Window.onblur: event handler invoked when the window loses keyboard focus
- Window.onerror: error handler invoked when a JavaScript error occurs
- Window.onfocus: event handler invoked when a window is given focus
- Window.onload: event handler invoked when a document finishes loading
- Window.onresize: event handler invoked when a window is resized
- Window.onunload: the handler invoked when the browser leaves a page
- ): open a new browser window or locate a named window
- Window.print( ): print the document
- Window.prompt( ): get user input with a dialog box
- Window.removeEventListener( ): see Element.removeEventListener( )
- Window.resizeBy( ): resize a window by a relative amount
- Window.resizeTo( ): resize a window
- Window.scrollBy( ): scroll the document by a relative amount
- Window.scrollTo( ): scroll the document
- Window.setInterval( ): periodically execute specified code
- Window.setTimeout( ): defer execution of code
- Window.status: specify a transient status-line message
- XMLHttpRequest: An HTTP request and response
- XMLHttpRequest.abort( ): cancel an HTTP request
- XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders( ): return unparsed HTTP response headers
- XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader( ): get the value of a named HTTP response header
- XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange: event handler function invoked when readyState changes
- ): initialize HTTP request parameters
- XMLHttpRequest.send( ): send an HTTP request
- XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( ): add a HTTP request header to the request
- XMLSerializer: serializes XML documents and nodes
- XMLSerializer.serializeToString( ): convert an XML document or node to a string
- XPathExpression: a compiled XPath query
- XPathExpression.evaluate( ): evaluate a compiled XPath query
- XPathResult: the result of an XPath query
- XPathResult.iterateNext( ): return the next node that matches an XPath query
- XPathResult.snapshotItem( ): return a node that matches an XPath query
- XSLTProcessor: transform XML with XSLT stylesheets
- XSLTProcessor.clearParameters( ): delete all stylesheet parameter values
- XSLTProcessor.getParameter( ): return the value of a named parameter
- XSLTProcessor.importStylesheet( ): specify an XSLT stylesheet for transformations
- XSLTProcessor.removeParameter( ): delete a parameter value
- XSLTProcessor.reset( ): restore an XSLTProcessor to its default state
- XSLTProcessor.setParameter( ): set a stylesheet parameter
- XSLTProcessor.transformToDocument( ): transform a node or document to a new document
- XSLTProcessor.transformToFragment( ): transform a node or document to a DocumentFragment
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