Доброго времени суток, форумчане! Помогите пожалуйста, не получается выявить причину, по которой не выводятся данные в kendo tree list
var treelistDataSource = new kendo.data.TreeListDataSource({
transport: {
read: function (e) {
var searchTerm = $('#product-search').val();
Ajax2.executeAjaxRequest(QueryParameters.GetProductsParams(searchTerm), e);
update: function (e) {
destroy: function (e) {
create: function (e) {
// Post changed models in the `model` field, as serialized JSON
parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
return { models: kendo.stringify(options.models) };
// Enable batch updates
batch: true,
// Define the model schema
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
id: { type: "number", nullable: false },
parentId: { field: "parentId", nullable: true },
title: { type: "string", nullable: false }
TLGoods = $("#goodtreelist").kendoTreeList({
dataSource: treelistDataSource,
height: function () {
return $(window).height() - 120;
resizable: true,
groupable: true,
editable: {
move: true
drop: function (e) {
if (e.valid) {
ProductActions.DropCat(e.source.id, e.destination);
columns: [
{ field: "id", title: "#", width: 60 },
{ field: "parentId", title: "parentId", width: 60 },
{ field: "title", title: "Название", expandable: true },
field: "Action",
title: "Действия",
width: 80,
template: "<div class='b-task'>" + "#=ProductActions.TLGoodAdd(data)#" + "#=ProductActions.TLGoodEdit(data)#" + "#=ProductActions.TLGoodDelete(data)#" + "</div>",
toolbar: "<div class='b-task'>" + "#=ProductActions.TLGoodButtonCatAdd()#" + "#=ProductActions.TLGoodButtonAdd()#" + "</div>",