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JavaScript Cookbook
Programming the Web

By: Shelley Powers
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: July 2010
Pages: 560
Covering both ECMAScript 5 and HTML5, JavaScript Cookbook helps you take advantage of the latest web features, including HTML5's persistent storage mechanisms and drawing canvas. You'll find solutions for integrating these features with JavaScript into UIs that people will enjoy using. The recipes in this book not only help you get things done, they'll also help you develop applications that work reliably in every browser.
High Performance JavaScript
Build Faster Web Application Interfaces

By Nicholas C. Zakas
Publisher: O'Reilly Media / Yahoo Press
Released: March 2010
Pages: 240
If you're like most developers, you rely heavily on JavaScript to build interactive and quick-responding web applications. The problem is that all of those lines of JavaScript code can slow down your apps. This book reveals techniques and strategies to help you eliminate performance bottlenecks during development. You'll learn optimal ways to load code onto a page, programming tips to help your JavaScript run as efficiently and quickly as possible, best practices to build and deploy your files to a production environment, and more.
Closure: The Definitive Guide
Tools for adding power to your JavaScript

ByMichael Bolin
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: September 2010
Pages: 592
None of the JavaScript libraries today has a more impressive track record than Google Closure, the tool suite used for Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Maps. Closure: The Definitive Guide has precisely what you need to get started with these tools, including valuable information not available publicly anywhere else.
JavaScript Patterns
Build Better Applications with Coding and Design Patterns

By Stoyan Stefanov
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: September 2010
Pages: 240
What's the best approach for developing an application with JavaScript? This book helps you answer that question with numerous JavaScript coding patterns and best practices. If you're an experienced developer looking to solve problems related to objects, functions, inheritance, and other language-specific categories, the abstractions and code templates in this guide are ideal -- whether you're writing a client-side, server-side, or desktop application with JavaScript. Author Stoyan Stefanov includes several examples for each pattern as well as practical advice for implementing them.
High Performance Web Sites
Essential Knowledge for Front-End Engineers

By Steve Souders
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: September 2007
Pages: 176
Want to speed up your web site? This book presents 14 specific rules that will cut 20% to 25% off response time when users request a page. Author Steve Souders, in his job as Chief Performance Yahoo!, collected these best practices while optimizing some of the most-visited pages on the Web. Even sites that had already been highly optimized were able to benefit from these surprisingly simple performance guidelines.
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript

By Robin Nixon
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: July 2009
Pages: 528
With this simple, streamlined guide, non-programmers will quickly learn how to create responsive, data-driven websites with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. Discover how the powerful combination of PHP and MySQL provides an easy way to build modern websites complete with dynamic data and user interaction. You'll also learn how to add JavaScript to create rich Internet applications and websites.
javascript: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition
Activate Your Web Pages

By David Flanagan
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Print Release: February 2011 (est.)
Rough Cut Release: June 2010
Pages: 1100 (est.)
Whether you need an example-driven programmer's guide or a complete desk reference, javascript
: The Definitive Guide is the most authoritative book on the language that runs the Web. The sixth edition offers comprehensive coverage of ECMAScript 5 (the new language standard) and also the new APIs introduced in HTML5. The chapters on functions and classes have been completely rewritten and updated to match current best practices. A new chapter covers language extensions and subsets.
Canvas Pocket Reference, First Edition

By David Flanagan
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: December 2010 (est.)
Pages: 112 (est.)
Canvas is clearly the most exciting feature of HTML5's graphics resolution, and this pocket reference provides the essentials you need to put this element to work. If you have a working knowledge of JavaScript, this book will help you create detailed, interactive, and animated graphics from charts to interfaces to video games, whether you're a web designer or a programmer interested in graphics.
jQuery Pocket Reference

By David Flanagan
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: December 2010 (est.)
Pages: 120 (est.)
With the jQuery framework, you can create dynamic web pages without writing a line of JavaScript code, as long as you know which components to use and when. This pocket reference helps you quickly locate what you need from the jQuery library most useful for your web project. It's ideal for beginners and experienced JavaScript developers alike.
Even Faster Web Sites
Performance Best Practices for Web Developers

By Steve Souders
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: June 2009
Pages: 256
Performance is critical to the success of any web site. In this book, Steve Souders, web performance evangelist at Google and former Chief Performance Yahoo!, provides valuable techniques to help you optimize your site's performance. Souders and eight expert contributors provide best practices and pragmatic advice for improving your site's performance in three critical categories: JavaScript, in the network, and in the browser.
This book contains six guest chapters contributed by Dion Almaer, Doug Crockford, Ben Galbraith, Tony Gentilcore, Dylan Schiemann, Stoyan Stefanov, Nicole Sullivan, and Nicholas C. Zakas.
Building Scalable Web Sites
Building, Scaling, and Optimizing the Next Generation of Web Applications

By Cal Henderson
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: May 2006
Pages: 352
This comprehensive guide covers the design of software and hardware systems for web applications. Using scores of examples and leading-edge tips, it details proven methods for scaling web applications to millions of users. Topics include application architecture, development practices, technologies, Unicode, and general infrastructure work. Ideal for anyone ready to realize the cost and performance benefits available to web applications today.