array_change_key_case([ 3, 5 ]);
{0: 3, 1: 5}
array_change_key_case({ FuBaR: 42 });
{"fubar": 42}
array_change_key_case({ FuBaR: 42 }, CASE_LOWER);
{"fubar": 42}
array_change_key_case({ FuBaR: 42 }, CASE_UPPER);
{"FUBAR": 42}
array_change_key_case({ FuBaR: 42 }, 2);
{"FUBAR": 42}
안전놀이터 Korea Basketball Association said. Although they were expecting a general defeat, FIBA adhered to the principle. "At the moment, we can't guarantee holding the preliminary round in June," he said.
먹튀검증 Although he has been disqualified, efforts to restore his qualifications are expected to continue. An official from the Korea Basketball Association said, "I think it was the best choice not to send a team to
먹튀검증커뮤니티 There is something more important than the World Cup. However, since the damage must be minimized, everything that can be done should be used. I'll try my best. We don't know what other sanctions
안전놀이터 Jeonbuk Hyundai midfielder Kim Bo-kyung clearly delivered the "No War" message shortly after the celebration. At 4:30 p.m. on the 27th, the match between Daegu FC and Jeonbuk Hyundai took place in the
안전놀이터순위 The result of the game was 1-1 and a draw. The away team Jeonbuk took the lead with Kim Bo-kyung's first goal in the 27th minute of the second half, while the home team Daegu returned the game to square
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