
Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes

Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): Phil Ballard
Страниц: 240

Краткое содержание
  • A Refresher on Web Technologies
  • Introducing Ajax
  • More Complex Ajax Technologies
  • Commercial and Open Source Ajax Resources
Средняя: 3.7 (70 votes)

Полное содержание
  • A Refresher on Web Technologies
    • Lesson 1. Anatomy of a Website
    • A Short History of the Web
    • Workings of the World Wide Web
    • Summary
    • Lesson 2. Writing Web Pages in HTML
    • Introducing HTML
    • Elements of an HTML Page
    • A More Advanced HTML Page
    • Some Useful HTML Tags
    • Cascading Style Sheets in Two Minutes
    • Summary
    • Lesson 3. Sending Requests Using HTTP
    • Introducing HTTP
    • The HTTP Request and Response
    • HTML Forms
    • Summary
    • Lesson 4. Client-Side Coding Using JavaScript
    • About JavaScript
    • In at the Deep End
    • Manipulating Data in JavaScript
    • Summary
    • Lesson 5. Server-Side Programming in PHP
    • Introducing PHP
    • Embedding PHP in HTML Pages
    • Variables in PHP
    • Controlling Program Flow
    • Summary
    • Lesson 6. A Brief Introduction to XML
    • Introducing XML
    • XML Basics
    • JavaScript and XML
    • The Document Object Model (DOM)
    • Summary
  • Introducing Ajax
    • Lesson 7. Anatomy of an Ajax Application
    • The Need for Ajax
    • Introducing Ajax
    • The Constituent Parts of Ajax
    • Putting It All Together
    • Summary
    • Lesson 8. The XMLHTTPRequest Object
    • More About JavaScript Objects
    • Introducing XMLHTTPRequest
    • Creating the XMLHTTPRequest Object
    • Summary
    • Lesson 9. Talking with the Server
    • Sending the Server Request
    • Monitoring Server Status
    • The Callback Function
    • Summary
    • Lesson 10. Using the Returned Data
    • The responseText and responseXML Properties
    • Another Useful JavaScript DOM Property
    • Parsing responseXML
    • Providing User Feedback
    • Summary
    • Lesson 11. Our First Ajax Application
    • Constructing the Ajax Application
    • The HTML Document
    • Adding JavaScript
    • Putting It All Together
    • Summary
  • More Complex Ajax Technologies
    • Lesson 12. Returning Data as Text
    • Getting More from the responseText Property
    • Summary
    • Lesson 13. AHAHAsynchronous HTML and HTTP
    • Introducing AHAH
    • Creating a Small Library for AHAH
    • Using myAHAHlib.js
    • Summary
    • Lesson 14. Returning Data as XML
    • Adding the "x" to Ajax
    • The responseXML Property
    • ProjectAn RSS Headline Reader
    • Summary
    • Lesson 15. Web Services and the REST Protocol
    • Introduction to Web Services
    • RESTRepresentational State Transfer
    • Using REST in Practice
    • REST and Ajax
    • Summary
    • Lesson 16. Web Services Using SOAP
    • Introducing SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
    • The SOAP Protocol
    • Using Ajax and SOAP
    • Reviewing SOAP and REST
    • Summary
    • Lesson 17. A JavaScript Library for Ajax
    • An Ajax Library
    • Reviewing myAHAHlib.js
    • Implementing Our Library
    • Using the Library
    • Extending the Library
    • Summary
    • Lesson 18. Ajax "Gotchas"
    • Common Ajax Errors
    • The Back Button
    • Bookmarking and Links
    • Telling the User That Something Is Happening
    • Making Ajax Degrade Elegantly
    • Dealing with Search Engine Spiders
    • Pointing Out Active Page Elements
    • Don't Use Ajax Where It's Inappropriate
    • Security
    • Test Code Across Multiple Platforms
    • Ajax Won't Cure a Bad Design
    • Some Programming Gotchas
    • Summary
  • Commercial and Open Source Ajax Resources
    • Lesson 19. The prototype.js Toolkit
    • Introducing prototype.js
    • Wrapping XMLHTTPRequestthe Ajax Object
    • Example ProjectStock Price Reader
    • Summary
    • Lesson 20. Using Rico
    • Introducing Rico
    • Rico's Other Interface Tools
    • Summary
    • Lesson 21. Using XOAD
    • Introducing XOAD
    • Advanced Programming with XOAD
    • Summary

Автор: Раман, дата: 19 июля, 2011 - 00:16

а на бумагу она тоже на инглише?

Автор: kobezzza, дата: 19 июля, 2011 - 13:37

Очень рекомендую AJAX Томаса Паула, есть на русском языке, рассмотрено от а до всё про AJAX (но читатель должен быть знаком с JS)

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Содержание этого поля является приватным и не предназначено к показу.
  • Адреса страниц и электронной почты автоматически преобразуются в ссылки.
  • Разрешены HTML-таги: <strike> <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <u> <i> <b> <pre> <img> <abbr> <blockquote> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <p> <div> <span> <sub> <sup>
  • Строки и параграфы переносятся автоматически.
  • Текстовые смайлы будут заменены на графические.

Подробнее о форматировании

1 + 5 =
Введите результат. Например, для 1+3, введите 4.
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