
Ajax Hacks

Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): Bruce W. Perry
Страниц: 438

Краткое содержание
  • Ajax Basics
  • Web Forms
  • Validation
  • Power Hacks for Web Developers
  • Direct Web Remoting (DWR)for Java Jocks
  • Hack Ajax with the Prototype and Rico Libraries
  • Work with Ajax and Ruby on Rails
  • Savor the JavaScript Library
  • Options and Efficiencies
Средняя: 3.7 (1 vote)

Полное содержание
  • Ajax Basics
    • It's Not a Floor Wax
    • Handle with Care
    • XMLHttpRequest
    • Hack 1. Detect Browser Compatibility with the Request Object
    • Hack 2. Use the Request Object to POST Data to the Server
    • Hack 3. Use Your Own Library for XMLHttpRequest
    • Hack 4. Receive Data as XML
    • Hack 5. Get Plain Old Strings
    • Hack 6. Receive Data as a Number
    • Hack 7. Receive Data in JSON Format
    • Hack 8. Handle Request Object Errors
    • Hack 9. Dig into the HTTP Response
    • Hack 10. Generate a Styled Message with a CSS File
    • Hack 11. Generate a Styled User Message on the Fly
  • Web Forms
    • Hack 12. Submit Text Field or textarea Values to the Server Without a Browser Refresh
    • Hack 13. Display Text Field or textarea Values Using Server Data
    • Hack 14. Submit Selection-List Values to the Server Without a Round Trip
    • Hack 15. Dynamically Generate a New Selection List Using Server Data
    • Hack 16. Extend an Existing Selection List
    • Hack 17. Submit Checkbox Values to the Server Without a Round Trip
    • Hack 18. Dynamically Generate a New Checkbox Group with Server Data
    • Hack 19. Populate an Existing Checkbox Group from the Server
    • Hack 20. Change Unordered Lists Using an HTTP Response
    • Hack 21. Submit Hidden Tag Values to a Server Component
  • Validation
    • Hack 22. Validate a Text Field or textarea for Blank Fields
    • Hack 23. Validate Email Syntax
    • Hack 24. Validate Unique Usernames
    • Hack 25. Validate Credit Card Numbers
    • Hack 26. Validate Credit Card Security Codes
    • Hack 27. Validate a Postal Code
  • Power Hacks for Web Developers
    • Hack 28. Get Access to the Google Maps API
    • Hack 29. Use the Google Maps API Request Object
    • Hack 30. Use Ajax with a Google Maps and Yahoo! Maps Mash-up
    • Hack 31. Display a XML Data Feed
    • Hack 32. Use Ajax with a Yahoo! Maps and GeoURL Mash-up
    • Hack 33. Debug Ajax-Generated Tags in Firefox
    • Hack 34. Fetch a Postal Code
    • Hack 35. Create Large, Maintainable Bookmarklets
    • Hack 36. Use Permanent Client-Side Storage for Ajax Applications
    • Hack 37. Control Browser History with iframes
    • Hack 38. Send Cookie Values to a Server Program
    • Hack 39. Use XMLHttpRequest to Scrape an Energy Price from a Web Page
    • Hack 40. Send an Email with XMLHttpRequest
    • Hack 41. Find the Browser's Locale Information
    • Hack 42. Create an RSS Feed Reader
  • Direct Web Remoting (DWR)for Java Jocks
    • Hack 43. Integrate DWR into Your Java Web Application
    • Hack 44. Use DWR to Populate a Selection List from a Java Array
    • Hack 45. Use DWR to Create a Selection List from a Java Map
    • Hack 46. Display the Keys/Values from a Java HashMap on a Web Page
    • Hack 47. Use DWR to Populate an Ordered List from a Java Array
    • Hack 48. Access a Custom Java Object with JavaScript
    • Hack 49. Call a Built-in Java Object from JavaScript Using DWR
  • Hack Ajax with the Prototype and Rico Libraries
    • Hack 50. Use Prototype's Ajax Tools with Your Application
    • Hack 51. Update an HTML Element's Content from the Server
    • Hack 52. Create Observers for Web Page Fields
    • Hack 53. Use Rico to Update Several Elements with One Ajax Response
    • Hack 54. Create a Drag-and-Drop Bookstore
  • Work with Ajax and Ruby on Rails
    • Sensible MVC
    • Hack 55. Install Ruby on Rails
    • Hack 56. Monitor Remote Calls with Rails
    • Hack 57. Make Your JavaScript Available to Rails Applications
    • Hack 58. Dynamically Generate a Selection List in a Rails Template
    • Hack 59. Find Out Whether Ajax Is Calling in the Request
    • Hack 60. Dynamically Generate a Selection List Using Database Data
    • Hack 61. Periodically Make a Remote Call
    • Hack 62. Dynamically View Request Information for XMLHttpRequest
  • Savor the JavaScript Library
    • Hack 63. Integrate Visual Effects with an Ajax Application
    • Hack 64. Create a Login Box That Shrugs Off Invalid Logins
    • Hack 65. Create an Auto-Complete Field with
    • Hack 66. Create an In-Place Editor Field
    • Hack 67. Create a Web Form That Disappears When Submitted
  • Options and Efficiencies
    • Hack 68. Fix the Browser Back Button in Ajax Applications
    • Hack 69. Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons with RSH
    • Hack 70. Set a Time Limit for the HTTP Request
    • Hack 71. Improve Maintainability, Performance, and Reliability for Large JavaScript Applications
    • Hack 72. Obfuscate JavaScript and Ajax Code
    • Hack 73. Use a Dynamic script Tag to Make Web Services Requests
    • Hack 74. Configure Apache to Deal with Cross-Domain Issues
    • Hack 75. Run a Search Engine Inside Your Browser
    • Hack 76. Use Declarative Markup Instead of Script via XForms
    • Hack 77. Build a Client-Side Cache
    • Hack 78. Create an Auto-Complete Field
    • Hack 79. Dynamically Display More Information About a Topic
    • Hack 80. Use Strings and Arrays to Dynamically Generate HTML

Автор: Гость (не зарегистрирован), дата: 14 октября, 2011 - 23:08

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