Ajax for Web Application Developers
Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): Kris Hadlock
Страниц: 288
Краткое содержание
- Getting Started
- Creating and Using the JavaScript Engine
- Creating Reusable Components
- Ajax Patterns
- Server-Side Interaction
- Finishing Touches
Полное содержание
- Getting Started
- Introduction to Ajax
- Measuring the Benefits
- The Request
- An In-Depth Look at XMLHttpRequest
- Creating the Object
- Asynchronous Data Transfers
- The Ready State
- HTTP Status Codes and Headers
- The Response
- Rendering the Response with XHTML and CSS
- Creating and Using the JavaScript Engine
- Object-Oriented JavaScript
- Object-Oriented Approaches
- Using the new Operator
- Literal Notation
- Associative Arrays
- JScript.NET
- Object Constructors
- Prototypes
- Creating the Engine
- Creating a Custom Ajax Wrapper
- Creating an Ajax Updater
- Using the Engine
- Getting Started
- Making a Request
- Engine Methods and Properties
- Debugging
- The JavaScript onerror Event
- responseText
- IE Developer Toolbar
- Safari Enhancer
- FireBug
- Extending the Engine
- Creating a Utilities Object
- Handling Status Codes with an HTTP Object
- Creating Reusable Components
- Accordion
- Getting Started
- Creating the Accordion Object
- Panel Functionality and Data Display
- Tree View
- Structuring the Data
- Handling the Response
- Rendering the GUI
- Client-Side Validation
- Getting Started
- Creating a Validation Object
- The Server Side
- Data Grid
- Getting Started
- Creating a DataGrid Object
- Displaying the Data
- Ajax Patterns
- Singleton Pattern
- An Overview of the Singleton Pattern
- Creating an Object Using the Singleton Pattern
- Using the Singleton Object
- Model View Controller
- An Overview of the Pattern
- Creating the Pattern
- Using the Pattern
- The Observer Pattern
- Pattern Overview
- Creating an Error-Handling Object
- Using the Error-Handling Object
- Data Reflection Pattern
- An Overview
- Creating the Pattern
- Interaction Patterns
- Creating a History with Cookies
- Drag and Drop
- Usability Patterns
- Handling Feedback, Errors, and Warnings
- Server-Side Interaction
- Understanding Ajax Database Interaction
- Interacting with a Database: The Server-Side
- Connecting to ASP.NET
- Connecting to ColdFusion
- Advanced Ajax Database Interaction
- Bulk Updates
- Server-Side XML and JSON
- Finishing Touches
- Securing Your Application
- Security Holes
- Password-Protecting Ajax Requests
- Verifying Passwords on the Server-Side
- Best Practices
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