
Beginning XML with Dom and Ajax

Язык: Английский
Год публикации: 2006
Автор(ы): Sas Jacobs
Страниц: 432

Краткое содержание
  • Introduction to XML
  • Related XML Recommendations
  • Web Vocabularies
  • Client-Side XML
  • Displaying XML Using CSS
  • Introduction to XSLT
  • Advanced Client-Side XSLT Techniques
  • Scripting in the Browser
  • The Ajax Approach to Browser Scripting
  • Using Flash to Display XML
  • Introduction to Server-Side XML
  • Case Study: Using .NET for an XML Application
  • Case Study: Using PHP for an XML Application
Средняя: 3.7 (73 votes)

Полное содержание
  • Introduction to XML
    • What Is XML?
      • A Brief History of XML
      • The Goals of XML
    • Understanding XML Syntax
      • Well-Formed Documents
      • Understanding the Difference Between Tags and Elements
    • Viewing a Complete XML Document
      • Understanding the Structure of an XML Document
      • Naming Rules in XML
      • Understanding the XML Document Prolog
      • Understanding Sections Within the XML Document Element
    • The XML Processing Model
      • XML Processing Types
      • DOM Parsing
      • SAX Parsing
      • Why Have Two Processing Models?
    • Some XML Tools
    • Summary
  • Related XML Recommendations
    • Understanding the Role of XML Namespaces
      • Adding Namespaces to XML Documents
      • Adding Default Namespaces
    • Defining XML Vocabularies
      • The Document Type Definition
      • Comparing DTDs and Schemas
      • Other Schema Types
      • XML Vocabularies
    • Displaying XML
      • XML and CSS
      • XSL
    • XPath
      • XPath Expressions
      • Identifying Specific Nodes
      • Including Calculations and Functions
      • XPath Summary
    • Linking with XML
      • Simle Links
      • Extended Links
      • XPointer
      • XML Links Summary
  • Web Vocabularies
    • XHTML
      • Separation of Presentation and Content
      • XHTML Construction Rules
      • XHTML Tools
      • Well-Formed and Valid XHTML Documents
      • XHTML Modularization
    • MathML
      • Presentation MathML
      • Content MathML
    • Scalable Vector Graphics
      • Vector Graphic Shapes
      • Images
      • Text
      • Putting It Together
    • Web Services
      • WSDL
      • SOAP
    • Other Web Vocabularies
      • RSS and News Feeds
      • VoiceXML
      • SMIL
      • Database Output Formats
    • Summary
  • Client-Side XML
    • Why Use Client-Side XML?
      • Working with XML Content Client-Side
      • Styling Content in a Browser
      • Manipulating XML Content in a Browser
      • Working with XML in Flash
    • Examining XML Support in Major Browsers
      • Understanding the W3C DOM
      • Understanding the XML Schema Definition Language
      • Understanding XSLT
      • Microsoft Internet Explorer
      • Mozilla
      • Opera
      • Adobe (Formerly Macromedia) Flash
    • Choosing Between Client and Server
      • Using Client-Side XML
      • Using Server-Side XML
    • Summary
  • Displaying XML Using CSS
    • Introduction to CSS
      • Why CSS?
      • CSS Rules
    • Styling XHTML Documents with CSS
    • Styling XML Documents with CSS
      • Attaching the Stylesheet
      • Selectors
    • Layout of XML with CSS
      • Understanding the W3C Box Model
      • Positioning in CSS
    • Displaying Tabular Data
      • Working with Display Properties
      • Working with Floating Elements
      • Table Row Spans
    • Linking Between Displayed XML Documents
      • XLink in Netscape and Firefox
      • Forcing Links Using the HTML Namespace
    • Adding Images in XML Documents
      • Adding Images with Netscape and Firefox
      • Using CSS to Add an Image
    • Using CSS to Add Content
    • Working with Attribute Content
      • Using Attributes in Selectors
      • Using Attribute Values in Documents
    • Summary
  • Introduction to XSLT
    • Browser Support for XSLT
    • Using XSLT to Create Headers and Footers
      • Understanding XHTML, XSLT, and Namespaces
      • Creating the XSLT Stylesheet
      • Understanding the Stylesheet
      • Transforming the <body> Element
      • Applying the Transformation
      • Adding the Footer
      • Transformation Without Change
    • Creating a Table of Contents
      • Selecting Each Planet with <xsl:for-each>
      • Adding a New Planet
    • Presenting XML with XSLT
      • Moving from XHTML to XML
      • Styling the XML with XSLT
      • Removing Content with XSLT
      • Understanding the Role of XPath in XSLT
    • Including Images
      • Importing Templates
      • Including Templates
    • Tools for XSLT Development
  • Advanced Client-Side XSLT Techniques
    • Sorting Data Within an XML Document
    • Sorting Dynamically with JavaScript
    • Adding Extension Functions (Internet Explorer)
      • Understanding More About Namespaces
      • Adding Extension Functions to the Stylesheet
      • Providing Support for Browsers Other Than IE
    • Working with Named Templates
    • Generating JavaScript with XSLT
      • Understanding XSLT Parameters
      • Understanding White Space and Modes
      • Working Through the onelinehtml Template
      • Finishing Off the Page
      • Generating JavaScript in Mozilla
    • XSLT Tips and Troubleshooting
      • Dealing with White Space
      • Using HTML Entities in XSLT
      • Checking Browser Type
      • Building on What Others Have Done
      • Understanding the Best Uses for XSLT
    • Summary
  • Scripting in the Browser
    • The W3C XML DOM
      • Understanding Key DOM Interfaces
      • Examining Extra Functionality in MSXML
    • Browser Support for the W3C DOM
      • Using the xDOM Wrapper
      • xDOM Caveats
    • Using JavaScript with the DOM
      • Creating DOM Document Objects and Loading XML
      • XSLT Manipulation
      • Extracting Raw XML
      • Manipulating the DOM
    • Putting It into Practice
      • Understanding the Application
      • Examining the Code
      • Dealing with Large XML Documents
    • Summary
  • The Ajax Approach to Browser Scripting
    • Understanding Ajax
      • Explaining the Role of Ajax Components
      • Understanding the XMLHttpRequest Object
    • Putting It Together
      • Username Validation with the XMLHttpRequest Object
      • Contacts Address Book Using an Ajax Approach
    • Using Cross-Browser Libraries
      • Sarissa
    • Other Ajax Frameworks and Toolkits
      • Backbase
      • Bindows
      • Dojo
      • Interactive Website Framework
      • qooxdoo
    • Criticisms of Ajax
      • Providing Visual Cues
      • Updating the Interface
      • Preloading Data
      • Providing Links to State and Enabling the Back Button
    • Ajax Best Practices and Design Principles
      • Minimizing Server Traffic
      • Using Standard Interface Methods
      • Using Wrappers or Libraries
      • Using Ajax Appropriately
    • Summary
  • Using Flash to Display XML
    • The XML Class
      • Loading an XML Document
      • Understanding the XML Class
      • Understanding the XMLNode Class
    • Loading and Displaying XML Content in Flash
      • Updating XML Content in Flash
      • Sending XML Content from Flash
    • Using the XMLConnector Component
      • Loading an XML Document
      • Data Binding
      • Updating XML Content with Data Components
    • Understanding Flash Security
    • Summary
  • Introduction to Server-Side XML
    • Server-Side vs. Client-Side XML Processing
    • Server-Side Languages
      • .NET
      • PHP
    • Working Through Simple Examples
      • The XML Document
      • Transforming the XML
      • Adding a New DVD
      • Modifying an Existing DVD
      • Deleting a DVD
    • Summary
  • Case Study: Using .NET for an XML Application
    • Understanding the Application
      • Setting Up the Environment
      • Understanding the Components of the News Application
    • Summary
  • Case Study: Using PHP for an XML Application
    • Understanding the Application
      • Setting Up the Environment
      • Understanding Components of the Weather Portal Application
    • Summary

Автор: Гость (не зарегистрирован), дата: 1 апреля, 2010 - 18:56

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