Подключение и выполнение javascript
В этом разделе мы понемногу рассмотрим все основные элементы javascript. Это позволит тут же писать и тестировать простейшие скрипты.
Javascript подключается напрямую в HTML-файл. Самый простой способ - это написать javascript-команды внутрь тега <script> где-нибудь в теле страницы.
Когда браузер читает HTML-страничку, и видит <script> - он первым делом читает и выполняет код, а только потом продолжает читать страницу дальше.
Так, в следующем примере будет показано начало страницы, затем три раза выполнится функция alert, которая выводит окошко с информацией, а только потом появится остальная часть страницы.
<h1>Считаем кроликов</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
for(var i=1; i<=3; i++) {
alert("Из шляпы достали "+i+" кролика!")
В этом примере использовались следующие элементы.
- <script type="text/javascript"> ... </script>
- Тег
<script> сообщает браузеру о том, что внутри находится исполняемый скрипт. Атрибут type говорит о том, что это javascript. Вообще говоря, атрибут может отсутствовать - разницы нет, но с точки зрения стандарта его следует указать.
- Конструкция for
- Обычный цикл, по синтаксису аналогичный другим языкам программирования.
- Объявление var i
- Объявление переменной внутри цикла:
i - локальная переменная.
- Функция alert
- Выводит сообщение на экран и ждет, пока посетитель не нажмет ОК
Обычно javascript стараются отделить от собственно документа.
Для этого его помещают внутрь тега HEAD , а в теле страницы по возможности оставляется чистая верстка.
В следующем примере javascript-код только описывает функцию count_rabbits , а ее вызов осуществляется по нажатию на кнопку input .
<script type="text/javascript">
function count_rabbits() {
for(var i=1; i<=3; i++) {
// оператор + соединяет строки
alert("Из шляпы достали "+i+" кролика!")
*!*<input type="button" onclick="count_rabbits()" value="Считать кролей!"/>*/!*
Для указания запускаемой по клику функции в input был использован атрибут onclick . Это лишь вершина мощного айсберга javascript-событий.
Обычно javascript-код вообще не пишут в HTML, а подключают отдельный файл со скриптом, вот так:
<script src="/my/script.js"></script>
При этом файл /my/script.js содержит javascript-код, который иначе мог бы находиться внутри тега <script> .
Это очень удобно, потому что один и тот же файл со скриптами можно подключать на разных страницах. При правильных настройках сервера браузер закеширует его и не будет скачивать каждый раз заново.
Чтобы подключить несколько скриптов - используйте несколько таких тегов:
<script src="/js/script1.js"></script>
<script src="/js/script2.js"></script>
При указании атрибута src содержимое тега игнорируется.
То есть одновременно подключить внешний файл и написать что-то внутри тега нельзя. Придется делать два разных тега <script> : первый с src , второй - с командами, которые будут выполнены после выполнения внешнего файла.
Современное оформление тэга <script> .
На плохое оформление сейчас ругается только валидатор. Поэтому эту заметку можно не читать.
Однако, знать это полезно хотя бы для того, чтобы сразу отличать современный и профессиональный скрипт от написанного эдак лет 5-6 назад.
- Атрибут
<script type=...>
- По стандарту этот атрибут нужен для указания языка скрипта, но по умолчанию принят javascript, поэтому даже атрибута
type нет - все работает ок. Но валидатор будет ругаться, т.к стандарт требует этот атрибут.
Иногда используют <script type="text/html"> как оригинальный способ добавить неотображаемые данные на страницу. Браузер не исполняет и не показывает <script> с неизвестным типом. В этом плане он ничем не отличается от обычного <div> с вечным style="display:none" .
- Атрибут
<script language=...>
- В старых скриптах нередко можно увидеть атрибут
language . Этот атрибут давно мертв и никому не нужен. Не используйте его для javascript.
- Комментарии до и после скрипта
- В старых руководствах по javascript встречается указание "прятать" javascript-код от старых браузеров, заключая его в HTML-комментарии <!-- ... -->.
Браузер, от которого прятали код (старый Netscape), давно умер. Современные браузеры комментарии просто игнорируют. Не ставьте их.
var plan = ["############################",
"# # # o ##",
"# #",
"# ##### #",
"## # # ## #",
"### ## # #",
"# ### # #",
"# #### #",
"# ## o #",
"# o # o ### #",
"# # #",
function Vector(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Vector.prototype.plus = function(other) {
return new Vector(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
var grid = [["top left", "top middle", "top right"],
["bottom left", "bottom middle", "bottom right"]];
// → bottom right
var grid = ["top left", "top middle", "top right",
"bottom left", "bottom middle", "bottom right"];
console.log(grid[2 + (1 * 3)]);
// → bottom right
function Grid(width, height) {
this.space = new Array(width * height);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
Grid.prototype.isInside = function(vector) {
return vector.x >= 0 && vector.x < this.width &&
vector.y >= 0 && vector.y < this.height;
Grid.prototype.get = function(vector) {
return this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y];
Grid.prototype.set = function(vector, value) {
this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y] = value;
var grid = new Grid(5, 5);
console.log(grid.get(new Vector(1, 1)));
// → undefined
grid.set(new Vector(1, 1), "X");
console.log(grid.get(new Vector(1, 1)));
// → X
var directions = {
"n": new Vector( 0, -1),
"ne": new Vector( 1, -1),
"e": new Vector( 1, 0),
"se": new Vector( 1, 1),
"s": new Vector( 0, 1),
"sw": new Vector(-1, 1),
"w": new Vector(-1, 0),
"nw": new Vector(-1, -1)
function randomElement(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
function BouncingCritter() {
this.direction = randomElement(Object.keys(directions));
BouncingCritter.prototype.act = function(view) {
if (view.look(this.direction) != " ")
this.direction = view.find(" ") || "s";
return {type: "move", direction: this.direction};
function elementFromChar(legend, ch) {
if (ch == " ")
return null;
var element = new legend[ch]();
element.originChar = ch;
return element;
function World(map, legend) {
var grid = new Grid(map[0].length, map.length);
this.grid = grid;
this.legend = legend;
map.forEach(function(line, y) {
for (var x = 0; x < line.length; x++)
grid.set(new Vector(x, y),
elementFromChar(legend, line[x]));
function charFromElement(element) {
if (element == null)
return " ";
return element.originChar;
World.prototype.toString = function() {
var output = "";
for (var y = 0; y < this.grid.height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < this.grid.width; x++) {
var element = this.grid.get(new Vector(x, y));
output += charFromElement(element);
output += "\n";
return output;
var world = new World(plan, {"#": Wall, "o": BouncingCritter});
// → ############################
// # # # o ##
// # #
// # ##### #
// ## # # ## #
// ### ## # #
// # ### # #
// # #### #
// # ## o #
// # o # o ### #
// # # #
// ############################
var test = {
prop: 10,
addPropTo: function(array) {
return array.map(function(elt) {
return this.prop + elt;
// → [15]
var test = {
prop: 10,
addPropTo: function(array) {
return array.map(function(elt) {
return this.prop + elt;
}, this); // ← без bind
// → [15]
Grid.prototype.forEach = function(f, context) {
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
var value = this.space[x + y * this.width];
if (value != null)
f.call(context, value, new Vector(x, y));
World.prototype.turn = function() {
var acted = [];
this.grid.forEach(function(critter, vector) {
if (critter.act && acted.indexOf(critter) == -1) {
this.letAct(critter, vector);
}, this);
World.prototype.letAct = function(critter, vector) {
var action = critter.act(new View(this, vector));
if (action && action.type == "move") {
var dest = this.checkDestination(action, vector);
if (dest && this.grid.get(dest) == null) {
this.grid.set(vector, null);
this.grid.set(dest, critter);
World.prototype.checkDestination = function(action, vector) {
if (directions.hasOwnProperty(action.direction)) {
var dest = vector.plus(directions[action.direction]);
if (this.grid.isInside(dest))
return dest;
function View(world, vector) {
this.world = world;
this.vector = vector;
View.prototype.look = function(dir) {
var target = this.vector.plus(directions[dir]);
if (this.world.grid.isInside(target))
return charFromElement(this.world.grid.get(target));
return "#";
View.prototype.findAll = function(ch) {
var found = [];
for (var dir in directions)
if (this.look(dir) == ch)
return found;
View.prototype.find = function(ch) {
var found = this.findAll(ch);
if (found.length == 0) return null;
return randomElement(found);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// → … пять ходов
// → … заработало
Как это подключить к html? Продолбался пол дня!
вставлял яваскрипт сразу в html используя
и скрипт не работал,
я всю голову изломал почему,
а заработал когда заменил на
Просьба помочь в решении такой задачи.
1. В отдельном файле word.js созданы и прописаны массивы:
Каким образом практически реализовать сценарий для получения значения каждого элемента в этих массивах с использованием этой информации в другом файле script.js.
Функции в одном файле, а информация для обработки (массивы) - в другом. Всё в одной папке и на одном РС.
2. Имеются элементы, связанные между собой логикой работы в функциональные группы:
id0; name = word1
audio.src = 'media/file1.mp3';
img.src = 'images/file1.png';
video.src = 'video/file1.mp4;
id1; name = word2
audio.src = 'media/file2.mp3';
img.src = 'images/file2.png';
video.src = 'video/file2.mp4;
Таких групп "n".
Надо организовать для них новые взаимно связанные массивы [word], [talk], [ audio], [img], [video] соответственно, для последующей записи нужных значений элементов.
Каким образом практически организовать сценарий синхронного внесения в эти массивы новых элементов с "нуля", чтобы у них были одинаковые индексы, соответствующие номеру/имени группы, используя форму HTML.
Каким образом можно будет получать и использовать данные по этим массивам, как отдельно по значению элементов, так и списки значений элементов, выбранных по id/name группы.
С возможностью использовать для обработки информацию по каждому элементу в т.ч. обратившись к id группы.
Дополнительно - с выводом информации и записью в отдельный файл report.
Всё в одной папке и на одном РС.
Ту часть работы, которая связана с HTML я выполнил, частично и по JS функциям. Споткнулся на формировании массивов, подключению JS функций и обработке их данных.
PS. Готовлю тестовую программу для внучки (3-й класс).
С возможностью её (программы) развития по мере взросления тестуемой.
HTML более-менее. JS - help!
Решая практическую задачу, пытаюсь освоить JS.
За помощью обращаться нужно к разработчикам. А за материал спасибо!
Как подключится к базу данных из javascript
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Spirituality has become increasingly important in today's world, as people seek deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. Whether through meditation, prayer, or other practices, spirituality offers a way to connect with something greater than ourselves and find inner peace. By incorporating spiritual practices into our daily lives, we can cultivate greater awareness, compassion, and gratitude, and ultimately lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.
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Tongits Offline: From Unknown Origins to a Popular Filipino Card Game
Are you tired of the same old card games? Then it's time to switch it up with Tongits! Who invented Tongits? Not important. This popular Filipino card game is a must-try for any avid card game enthusiast.
But have you ever wondered where Tongits came from? The game is believed to have originated in the Philippines during the early 20th century. The inventor of Tongits is unknown, but it is said to have been created as a variant of another popular card game called Pusoy Dos. Tongits has gained a massive following in the Philippines, especially among families and friends who gather to play the game during special occasions or even just for fun. What makes it even more exciting is that it can now be played offline with the use of a physical deck of cards, or even online through various gaming platforms. In Tongits, the objective is to form a set of three or more cards of the same rank or a sequence of three or more cards in the same suit called a "meld." The game is played with three players, and the winner is the one who gets rid of all their cards first, called "Tongits".
Tongits is a fun and engaging game that can be enjoyed by all ages. It's easy to learn and even easier to get addicted to. So why not gather your family and friends for a game of Tongits offline? Who knows, you might even uncover a hidden talent for the game and become a Tongits master!
DS88 Casino: Ang Hidden Gem ng Online Gaming sa Pilipinas na Ayaw Mong Palampasin!
Bilang isang madalas na manlalaro ng online casino, palagi akong naghahanap ng bago at kapana-panabik na platform upang subukan ang aking kapalaran. Kamakailan, napadpad ako sa DS88 casino sa Pilipinas, at hayaan mong sabihin ko sa iyo, ito ay isang nakatagong hiyas na masyadong mabuti na hindi ibahagi.
Una, pag-usapan natin ang karanasan ng gumagamit. Ang interface ay makinis at moderno, na ginagawang madali upang mag-navigate sa iba't ibang mga laro na inaalok. Mula sa mga klasikong table game tulad ng blackjack at roulette hanggang sa mga slot machine na may kapansin-pansing graphics, mayroong isang bagay para sa lahat. Dagdag pa, ang website ay mobile-friendly, na nangangahulugang maaari kong maglaro ng aking mga paboritong laro on-the-go nang hindi isinasakripisyo ang anumang kalidad.
Ngunit ang pinagkaiba ng DS88 sa ibang mga online casino ay ang kanilang pangako sa patas na laro at seguridad. Gumagamit sila ng top-notch na teknolohiya sa pag-encrypt upang matiyak na ang lahat ng mga transaksyon at personal na impormasyon ay pinananatiling ligtas mula sa prying eyes. At kung nag-aalala ka tungkol sa mga rigged na laro, huwag matakot. Gumagamit ang DS88 ng random number generator para matiyak na ang bawat resulta ng laro ay tunay na random at walang kinikilingan. Ngunit ang tunay na dahilan kung bakit patuloy akong bumabalik sa DS88 ay ang kanilang mapagbigay na mga bonus at promosyon. Mula sa mga welcome bonus hanggang sa lingguhang cashback na mga alok, palaging may bagay na magpapatamis sa deal. At kung isa kang VIP member, ang mga perks ay mas gaganda. Ang mga personalized na bonus, nakatuong account manager, at eksklusibong access sa mga kaganapan at paligsahan ay ilan lamang sa mga benepisyong maaari mong asahan.
Sa pangkalahatan, lubos kong inirerekumenda na subukan ang DS88. Sa kanilang kahanga-hangang pagpili ng laro, pangako sa patas na laro at seguridad, at walang kapantay na mga promosyon, hindi nakakagulat na mabilis silang naging isa sa mga nangungunang online casino sa Pilipinas. Kaya, ano pang hinihintay mo? Sumali sa saya at tingnan kung kakampi mo ang Lady Luck sa DS88 casino!
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Nustabet Gaming is renowned for its exceptional gaming experience and diverse game selection in the Philippines' online casino industry. The platform offers everything from classic table games to modern video slots, ensuring that there is something for everyone.
Currently, Nustabet is offering the Heavy Locomotive Draw as one of its most exciting promotions. This promotion offers players the chance to win big prizes simply by registering on the platform. Each registered player is automatically entered into the lottery, and the lucky winners are selected at random.
Nustabet's Heavy Locomotive Draw is just one of the many ways that the platform rewards its players. Additionally, there are a number of promotions available on the platform, including cashback deals, reload bonuses, and free spins.
As well as its generous promotions, Nustabet is known for its exceptional customer service and secure gaming environment. In order to protect both the personal information of players and their financial information, the platform uses state-of-the-art security protocols, and the company's customer service team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to answer any questions or address any concerns that players may have.
For players in the Philippines, Nustabet Gaming is a reliable and entertaining online casino philippines platform that offers a variety of games and exciting promotions. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie, Nustabet is definitely worth trying.
Perya's Most Popular Games.
Ang Perya Games ay isang sikat na online casino app (online casino app real money philippines) na bumagyo sa Pilipinas. Nag-aalok ito sa mga manlalaro ng iba't ibang kapana-panabik at nakakaengganyo na mga laro, kabilang ang mga slot machine, blackjack, baccarat, at higit pa. Ang dahilan kung bakit sikat ang Perya Games ay dahil gumagamit ito ng totoong pera sa mga laro nito. Ang mga naghahanap ng dagdag na pera ay maaaring kumita ng totoong pera sa paglalaro ng Perya Games, isang online casino app para sa totoong pera Pilipinas. Bilang karagdagan, nag-aalok ang app ng iba't ibang mga bonus at gantimpala para sa mga regular na manlalaro. Sa Pilipinas, ang Perya Games ay naging isa sa pinakasikat na online casino apps dahil sa user-friendly na interface at napaka-secure na sistema.
Ang Mga Popular na Color Games Online Real Money ay isang online casino app na nagbibigay-daan sa mga manlalaro na tangkilikin ang mga laro ng totoong pera sa Pilipinas. Sa napakaraming uri ng laro, ito ay naging isa sa pinakasikat na online casino apps sa bansa. Nagbibigay ito sa mga manlalaro nito ng kapana-panabik na mga gantimpala at bonus at nagbibigay sa kanila ng ligtas na kapaligiran upang maglaro ng kanilang mga paboritong laro. Mayroon din itong madaling gamitin na interface na nagbibigay-daan sa mga manlalaro na madaling mag-browse sa iba't ibang laro at feature. Baguhan ka man o karanasang manlalaro, ang Perya Games ay siguradong magbibigay ng mga oras ng entertainment!
Maaaring tangkilikin ng mga manlalaro ang iba't ibang mga slot machine, mga laro sa mesa at iba pang mga kapana-panabik na opsyon sa pagsusugal gamit ang app na ito. Maaari din nilang samantalahin ang mga bonus at promosyon na ginagawang mas mahalaga ang laro. Paborito ang Perya sa mga Pinoy gamers dahil sa maraming pakinabang nito!
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Pati na rin ang pagiging pinaka-klasikong laro ng poker, isa rin ito sa pinakasikat na laro sa mga casino sa buong mundo dahil ito ay napakapopular. Mayroon ding maraming online casino na nag-aalok ng larong ito. Mayroon bang anumang bagay na ginagawang kaakit-akit ang blackjack sa mga manlalaro? Upang malaman kung paano manalo sa mga laro sa isang online na casino, dapat mong tingnan ang artikulong ito kung gusto mong malaman kung paano ito gagawin.
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Being a passionate player of online casinos, I am always on the lookout for new and exciting games that I can experiment with to try my luck. That's why I was thrilled to discover mega ball bingo online gcash at nustabet. It has quickly become one of my favorite games of all time, and I am delighted that I can now pay for this game using gcash, and they are also offering a 100 free bonus on top of that!
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Also, there are a number of other popular games available at nustabet online casino, so you will never be short of choices. Whether you're into slots, table games, or live dealer games, there's something for everyone here. With the added benefit of being able to withdraw and pay with gcash, your gaming experience will be seamless and hassle-free.
Try your luck at nustabet online casino and have some fun with mega ball if you're ready to try your luck. With the chance to win big and get a free 100 gcash casino bonus, you won't be disappointed!
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Multiply Your Winnings with Mega Ball Bingo at Winfordbet
Are you ready to shout "BINGO!" with excitement? Mega Ball Bingo, an exciting game of chance, is hot at Winfordbet. As a long-time online game player, I couldn't resist the urge to try it out, and boy, was it a blast!
The game is simple. You choose your lucky numbers and wait for the Mega Ball to drop. The more matches you get, the bigger your prize. But what makes Mega Ball Bingo truly exciting is the Mega Ball itself. With the potential to multiply your winnings up to 100x, it's like topping an already delicious dessert.
My experience playing Mega Ball Bingo was nothing short of fantastic. As the balls are drawn, I held my breath in anticipation. Would I get a match? Would the Mega Ball boost my winnings? The excitement was palpable, and with each new number, my heart raced a little faster. And then, it happened. I got my first match, and my winnings started to climb. But it wasn't until the Mega Ball dropped that things really took off. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the multiplier. My winnings skyrocketed, and I couldn't help but jump up and down with excitement.
It's no wonder Mega Ball Bingo has become a favorite of online game players everywhere. With the potential for big wins and the thrill of the Mega Ball, it's an experience you won't soon forget. And with Winfordbet's easy-to-use platform and friendly customer service, it's never been easier to get in on the action. Grab your lucky charm and join me in the world of Mega Ball Bingo.
Multiply Your Winnings with Mega Ball Bingo at Winfordbet
Are you ready to shout "BINGO!" with excitement? Mega Ball Bingo, an exciting game of chance, is hot at Winfordbet. As a long-time online game player, I couldn't resist the urge to try it out, and boy, was it a blast!
The game is simple. You choose your lucky numbers and wait for the Mega Ball to drop. The more matches you get, the bigger your prize. But what makes Mega Ball Bingo truly exciting is the Mega Ball itself. With the potential to multiply your winnings up to 100x, it's like topping an already delicious dessert.
My experience playing Mega Ball Bingo was nothing short of fantastic. As the balls are drawn, I held my breath in anticipation. Would I get a match? Would the Mega Ball boost my winnings? The excitement was palpable, and with each new number, my heart raced a little faster. And then, it happened. I got my first match, and my winnings started to climb. But it wasn't until the Mega Ball dropped that things really took off. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the multiplier. My winnings skyrocketed, and I couldn't help but jump up and down with excitement.
It's no wonder Mega Ball Bingo has become a favorite of online game players everywhere. With the potential for big wins and the thrill of the Mega Ball, it's an experience you won't soon forget. And with Winfordbet's easy-to-use platform and friendly customer service, it's never been easier to get in on the action. Grab your lucky charm and join me in the world of Mega Ball Bingo.
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